Typically, how sore are you after a meet?

Sept. 29, 2011

"After a typical meet I am not usually real sore. On competition day we actually do less repetitions than we do in a regular practice. The only difference in a competition that may make you more sore is the actual landing surfaces. If you take a short landing in a meet you may feel it the next day since we compete on hard surfaces as opposed to the resi pit and softer surfaces that we use in practice to protect our bodies." - Whitney Bencsko

"Usually I don't get too sore after meets. I have so much adrenaline during the meet that sometimes it seems like I haven't worked out at all." - Stephanie Brock

"For me personally, because I only participate in one event, I typically am not anymore sore than I could be from a practice. Usually on a competition day, I do less repetitions than I would do during a normal practice so that definitely has an impact about the level of soreness the next day. Like I mentioned before, I only compete one event so this may not be representative of my teammates." - Natalie Ettl

"I 'm usually not too sore after competitions because we do more numbers and repetitions at a regular practice than we do at a meet." - Madison Merriam

"Generally, I do not get sore after a meet. I'm more so tired from all of the energy needed and used for several hours during the meet." - Kristin Blades

"Right after a meet, I am not really sore because the adrenaline and excitement is still there. Soreness usually doesn't hit me until the bus ride back or the next day." - Kassidy Stauder

"Since I have only competed bars in the past, my body doesn't get sore at all. The warm up/competition process is less than what we do in a typical practice. Although, my throat is sometimes sore from cheering for my team mates!" - Alex Stine

"Yes, I am pretty much always at least a little sore after a typical meet. Although, practices definitely make me more sore because we do a lot more numbers of everything." - Lexi Carroll

"After a meet I am not too sore. Sometimes the mats are new which makes them harder and if I fall, I will be a little sore the following day. Other than that, meets are not something that makes me really sore." - Alex Witt

"I do not get very sore after a meet. I think competitions are easier than a workout because we are doing less routines during a competition than we are during a practice. Plus, you have all the adrenaline going during a competition so that helps quite a bit too." - Sharaya Musser

"After a typical meet, I'm usually a little sore of course but really not that bad. If I compare a meet to a hard practice, I usually feel pretty good after a meet." - Krystal Welsh