What has been your favorite class at Penn State so far?

Nov. 21, 2011

Question sent in from Stephanie

"My favorite class at Penn State so far would have to be an anatomy class that I took sophomore year. The reason this class has been my favorite so far is because the human body is extremely fascinating to me. Learning how muscles and bones work together to be able to perform movements completely interests me. I also think it is fascinating to learn because of being a gymnast. I like knowing how our body is able to handle all of the stress and movements that we do within our sport. Since I ultimately wish to become a registered nurse, this class was very helpful for my knowledge in the nursing field." - Natalie Ettl

"So far my favorite class at Penn State has been my macroeconomics class. It wasn't easy, but the professor was awesome and he knew how to make class enjoyable." - Stephanie Brock

"My favorite class so far at Penn State would have to be Abnormal Psychology. I am minoring in psychology, and I just thought this class was so intriguing. I learned about a variety of mental disorders and how to treat them. This class alone, made me pursue a minor in psychology." - Daryl Konsevick

"My favorite class at Penn State so far would probably be Comm 370 which is a public relations class. I like it because public relations is my major and what I am interested in and I also really like my teacher. I enjoy his sense of humor and the stories he tells the class." - Madison Merriam

"My favorite class is actually a class that I am currently taking right now called History 121. It is a history course about the Holocaust. It is very interesting and I really enjoy going to this class every week." - Kristin Blades

"My favorite class at Penn State so far would probably have to be Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS 129 and HDFS 229) because I get to learn about the development of children and how families interact, which is something that really interests me." - Kassidy Stauder

"So far my favorite class at Penn State would be Psychology. It is so interesting learning about how people function differently and learning about disorders that I never knew had existed." - Alex Witt

"My favorite class at Penn State so far would be the first-year freshman-athlete seminar because it helped me with my transition to college and it was always a class to relax and share your problems and situations and realize that all the student-athletes were having the same situations." - Krystal Welsh

"One of my favorite classes this year has been my freshmen athlete classes. We do many ice breakers and activities to get to know other freshmen athletes at Penn State. We also learn about how to manage our time and other issues we might encounter as a new college athlete." - Lexi Carroll

"My favorite class is Biology. I've always liked math and science, and I especially love learning about the human body and how it works." - Lindsay Musgrove

"It is really hard to choose which class has been my favorite because I've had so many but the one that has stuck out to me the most is my Theater 100 class. It was my very first class I took coming into my freshman year and so I was all excited about college and experiencing classes for the first time. This class was a lot of fun though because I got to watch people act right there in the class and it was more than just sitting in the lecture listening to the professor talk for an hour. But my professor for that class was awesome, he had so much enthusiasm and made the class interesting and it was never boring. So that is why I would have to say that Theater 100 has been my favorite class so far." - Sharaya Musser

"I would have to say Kines 442(Ancient Greek and Roman Sports History).The class focused on roots of athletics and the Olympic games. Also, I had a lot of fun taking yoga 1 and golf 1." - Alex Stine

"One of my favorite classes at Penn State would have to be my Nutrition 120 class. In this class we learned all about food and different subsititues for foods. We had different units consisting of eggs, proteins, fats, fruits etc. Each unit we learned about had a lab that we participated in. In this lab, each group got to cook a different food item related to the week. For example when we did eggs, we cooked tons of different recipes using egg whites, egg yolks and the whole egg to see what each ingredient did to a recipe. This provided a lot of insight on how different foods react in certain recipes." - Whitney Bencsko