What is your favorite arena to compete in?

Nov. 7, 2011

Question sent in from Cat

"My favorite place to compete in is definitely Rec Hall. There is a completely different energy and confidence when competing in our own house and knowing that the whole audience is rooting for us as we represent Penn State!" - Lindsay Musgrove

"I would have to say Rec Hall! Compared to some of the arenas we compete in it's pretty small so you can really feel the energy of the crowd! Another reason I love it is because I have memories of when I was younger aspiring to be able to compete in there as a Nittany Lion." - Alex Stine

"My favorite venue to compete in is definitely Rec Hall because it's not so big that the place feels empty but it's also not too small. There is nothing like the atmosphere at Rec Hall when you are competing with the crowd chanting WE ARE....PENN STATE!!" - Sharaya Musser

"This may be a predicted answer for most of us on the team, but my favorite venue to compete in is definitely Rec Hall. Competing in our home gym is always the most fun because practically everyone in the stands is our fans. Rec Hall can get pretty loud, especially when we are hosting a double dual with the guys team. There is nothing I like more than hearing my home crowd erupt when each girl nails their routine and sticks their dismount! That is one of the greatest feelings you will never forget!" - Natalie Ettl

"Rec Hall, of course!!! There is nothing better than competing in `our house.'" - Kassidy Stauder

"Rec Hall is by far my favorite venue to compete in. Rec Hall is not only home to us, but it has the best atmosphere and fans. Our venue is the perfect size and you never feel like you're competing alone. You can always hear the crowd as well as your teammates. Rec Hall is the most amazing place to compete on a Saturday night from January to April!" - Whitney Bencsko

"Well considering I am only a freshman, I haven't competed in Rec hall or anything yet. But in club I really enjoyed competing in Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex." - Alex Witt

"Hmm...That's a tough question. Honestly I love competing in Rec Hall, for more reasons than it just being our home. If I had to pick another venue though, I may have to say NC State. They had an awesome floor! I also enjoyed competing in Nebraska, because it was big and surrounded in red (my favorite color)." - Daryl Konsevick

"My favorite venue to compete in is Rec Hall. I love the size of the arena because it brings the crowd in closer. It makes the atmosphere very exciting and tends to get all of our adrenaline going." - Kristin Blades

"My favorite venue is of course, the one and only, REC-HALL!!" - Madison Merriam