What is your favorite event and why?

Nov. 14, 2011

Question sent in from Sharon

"My favorite event is vault because it is a very powerful movement and it is one of my better events." - Lexi Carroll

"My favorite event is Floor because I love the excitement and I love to tumble." - Krystal Welsh

"My favorite event would have to be bars. I would say it's my favorite because it's a powerful event and it's just fun to fly through the air off the bar." - Alex Witt

"Although, I pretty much like all the events equally, I would have to say beam is my favorite because it feels so natural to me and I just love going to beam every day!" - Kassidy Stauder

"My favorite event is Floor. I really enjoy tumbling and I love how excited the crowd gets on Floor during meets!" - Kristin Blades

"My favorite event to compete is floor because I get to perform and show everyone how much fun I am having." - Madison Merriam

"It's tough to pick a favorite event because I believe it varies on the day. I absolutely love floor, especially at competitions, performing in front of a huge crowd. I also love beam, because the feeling you get knowing that you can flip without your hands and land back on four inches is pretty insane. I just love how challenging it is, and how I can master a great routine on that event." - Daryl Konsevick

"My favorite event is the uneven bars! This was not a difficult question for me to answer because I am an uneven bars specialist! The reason why this event is my favorite is because I love the feeling of swinging around. Being able to swing high above the ground while pirouetting and doing release moves is a thrill to me. This event has always been favorite to train and compete!" - Natalie Ettl

"My favorite event is bars. I just love trying crazy new skills on bars, even if I know I'm never going to compete them. It's just fun to play with different skills." - Stephanie Brock

"My favorite event is floor because I love to tumble and dance, and it has a special energy to it, especially at meets when the whole team and crowd gets into it." - Lindsay Musgrove

"My favorite event is beam because when I'm on the beam I just get into a zone and block out everything else around me. It's not a powerful event but a more graceful one and I feel like I am better at being graceful than powerful. I also love having complete control over what I am doing and over each skill and beam is the best event for me to do that." - Sharaya Musser

"Bars is my favorite event because there is a certain flow to it and everyone's technique is just a little bit different. I also think it is beautiful to watch when performed well. When I was younger it was definitely vault because it's just very explosive and it happens so quickly." - Alex Stine

"My favorite event in competition is definitely floor. When you get on the floor it is one of the times you can truly express your emotions and character. You can go out and simply use the crowd and the energy in the arena to show off the work you have put in over the year." - Whitney Bencsko