What is your favorite part of being a Penn State gymnast?

Oct. 5, 2011

Question sent in from Sarah (Bellefonte, PA)

"My favorite part of being a PSU gymnast is how as a team we are so close. We do so much together inside and out of the gym. Knowing that I was a part of this team made me a lot less nervous coming into my freshman year." - Lexi Carroll

"My favorite part of being a PSU gymnast is competing in front of the fans with my team." - Madison Merriam

"My favorite part of being a Penn State gymnast right now is knowing that all the support and pride that everyone has around me will help me accomplish the things I need to accomplish in order to be the best I can be." - Krystal Welsh "My favorite thing about being a Penn State gymnast is being part of this gymnastics "family" where we all support each other, and being able to represent my school and leave my mark here, doing something that I've worked my whole life for." - Lindsay Musgrove

"I will start off by saying my favorite part about being a Penn State Athlete, is the amount of respect and recognition we receive on campus. I am extremely proud wearing my Penn State Gymnastics apparel, and being recognized in the community. Walking downtown and seeing your poster on the windows of your favorite stores and restaurants is also such an amazing feeling." - Daryl Konsevick

"My favorite part of being a Penn State gymnast is having the experience to be a part of a family of sisters. I love the team bonding that goes on during pre-season and season. We really do become a family that will last a lifetime." - Kristin Blades

"My favorite part of being a Penn State gymnast is being a part of the team. The girls are so much more than teammates, they are a family and it is so nice to have that being far away from home. I know that there is always someone I can go to when I have a question or a problem." - Alex Witt

"My favorite part of being a Penn State gymnast is knowing what kind of tradition I am a part of. Competing in Rec Hall with Pride and wearing Blue and White, hearing the crowd chant, "WE ARE....PENN STATE", there is no better feeling! I want to leave a mark here at Penn State for those who came before me and those who will come after me!" - Sharaya Musser

"I love everything about being a Penn State gymnast! There is nothing better than being on a sports team at PSU and we are such a close team full of spirit and fun!" - Kassidy Stauder

"My favorite part about being a Penn State gymnast is competing for something bigger than myself. Knowing that I am wearing a Penn State leotard and making everyone at my university proud. I know that when I step out on the floor all the fans and alumni are proud of how much work and dedication we have put in on a daily basis in order to put on a performance. I also love knowing that years down the road I will have an amazing Penn State family to come back to and visit up here at school." - Whitney Bencsko