Senior Defensive Lineman Jordan Hill - Quotes

Feb. 1, 2012

Jordan Hill
Defensive Lineman

Q: Do you have any feelings about the changes in the coaching staff?
A: It's something I've never had to go through during any of my football years, but it's a change I'm looking forward to and I'm excited for it. For Coach O'Brien coming here, he's going to be bringing a whole different style of offense; it's going to twist everything.

Q: How much do you know about the defensive philosophy and how much have you talked to Coach Roof?
A: We're still going to be doing the same type of stuff. I heard there might be a couple types of blitzes, but for the most part we'll still be playing a 4-3. It's going to be a great Penn State defense.

Q: On the new strength and conditioning program.
A: It's very intense. It's Olympic-style lifting. I love it so far. I'm going to be having a lot of fun with it. It's a different type of lifting for our bodies, so our bodies need to get used to it. I think you'll see our growth on the field very quickly, because when you switch any style of lifting your body reacts to it very differently. We're doing more free-weights, benching, squatting, and doing a lot of stuff with barbells and dumbbells instead of machines.

Q: What has the conditioning been like so far?
A: It's a lot of agility and at the end of the runs we've got a lot of long distance. I can't complain, it's supposed to make you a lot more explosive. If I can get any more explosive, the more the merrier for me.

Q: What are your first impressions of Ted Roof?
A: I've gotten to talk to him a couple times and he's a very friendly guy. He's very open to talk about anything you want to. I wanted to know about the Auburn defense when they won the National Championship and I was very curious about that type of stuff. He is just ready to come here and be a part of a great Penn State defense.

Q: Have you talked to Bill O'Brien yet? What did he tell you?
A: Yes, he called me on the phone and told me that I'm one of the senior guys so I should take lead of the team just like every other senior guy should. Get to work in the weight room. Be a leader on and off the field and get ready to go when he gets back.