Senior Linebacker Mike Mauti Quotes

Feb. 1, 2012

#42 Michael Mauti, Linebacker

Q: Talk about your impressions of this new coaching staff.
A: A lot of the guys are excited about what's going on with Coach O'Brien and the new coaching staff. It has been nothing but a positive experience for us, and it's been a smooth transition. We are really excited about out new staff- just looking forward to getting on the field for spring ball and summer camp.

Q: Talk about why you are excited to play for Coach O'Brien.
A: He's a young coach with a lot of energy. He really knows what he wants from us. We all put our trust in him to get us where we want to be, and that's to get Penn State back on top. I think he's fully capable of doing that along with our staff that he has brought in. We are really excited about that.

Q: Talk about these guys that have stuck with Penn State through thick and thin throughout the whole process.
A: We have a lot of respect for those guys. We are happy to welcome them into our family. Obviously, it has been a tough couple of months for us. We are looking to move forward.

Q: What have the winter workouts been like?
A: The winter workouts have been great so far. They have been intense, but fun. It's a whole different attitude and a whole different atmosphere. It's really been a lot of fun. Guys are really motivated to get in there and work hard.

Q: What's the biggest difference in the program, are they revamping the strength and conditioning?
A: I think they will, as far as the weight room. There will be a lot more platforms. It's a different style; the machines are on their way out. It's just a different philosophy now, which I am looking forward to; a lot of guys are excited. We are just taking it a day at a time. We are looking forward to going through the winter with the program.

Q: Where are you in rehab? What do you expect for the spring?
A: I will be limited a little bit, but by that time I will be good to do anything. There is no reason to push it. Once I get to April-May, I will be pretty close to 100 percent.

Q: Now that you have Ted Roof as your new defensive coordinator, is there any apprehension from the team to getting to know his style?
A: There is no apprehension in any aspect of this transition. Obviously, everything is going to be new, but I do not think it is going to be that hard stretch of a learning curve. In defense, you need to make tackles, play technique; you have to do the fundamental things and I think defensively that is what we are good at. We can learn any kind of scheme or anything like that and I think Coach Roof is prepared. We are all behind him 100 percent. Whatever scheme he wants to play, we are going to play.

Q: Is there excitement?
A: Absolutely. I would say excitement is a great way to describe it. Everybody is excited. We have fresh blood and it's motivating. It's something that makes you want to get up every morning. It's exciting, especially for me, my last year.