Penn State Football Press Conference

Nov. 14, 2012

Penn State Football Press Conference
November 13, 2012

No. 2 - Shane McGregor, Senior, Quarterback

Q: What is this like for you getting to the end of your career? You've exceeded a lot of peoples' expectations just in getting where you are, so what has this process been like for you?
A: It's been a special time. Going back five years ago, I was just reflecting on it a little bit yesterday, just how far you've come as a player but also as a team and it's been pretty cool to see my teammates develop into guys who have big roles on the team but also big roles off the field, too.

Q: What would it mean to you if you could get in in one of these next two games especially against Wisconsin on Senior Day. If the game unfolds like that, what would that mean to you?
A: It would be pretty cool but, I knew coming here the odds would be against me as far as playing time goes but, I wanted to take that chance anyway. I would never go back and do it over again differently. The experiences I've had here off the field, on the field, the things that I've learned, the things I've been exposed to that have helped me to grow as a person; it's been phenomenal. The education I've gotten not just in the classroom but in life and football has been a big part of that. It's been great and if I get into a game, that'd be awesome but we'll see how that goes.

Q: From the outside looking in behind Matt McGloin, what have you seen Coach O'Brien do with him to helping develop this year?
A: Matt's a very smart kid. That's one thing that we really need in this offense, accuracy and decision-making. Coach really preached that when he first came here. His ability to get the ball to the right place, get us in the right play and then put the ball where it's supposed to be is one of his biggest strengths. He's matured. You can never get less experienced as a player. He's definitely benefited from that, this is his third year playing. He's done really well, as all of our quarterbacks have this year.

Q: What do you feel like your main role has been on this team?
A: I think my main role, like everyone else, is do your job as best as you can everyday. Whether it's writing plays on a board to signal them into Matt during the game, impersonating the other team's quarterback during practice, or helping someone out with a route concept. I just want to do that as best I can. If you can have that relentless effort for your team and you have a whole team of guys doing that, your team's going to be special.

Q: Can you talk about what led you here and what other opportunities you had?
A: It's a wild story in itself. I didn't start talking to Penn State, as far as football, until January of my senior year in high school. Guys commit junior year, senior year and I was late in the process. I hate talking about where I was going to go to college, because my dream was to be a big time division I quarterback. At that time, I wasn't getting it. I had some nice I-AA, Division II, III schools (offers), but that wasn't my dream. I remember crying with my mother one time in the car, she's talking and asking me about college. It's a pretty emotional time when you're staring the death of your dream in the face. I was pretty much doing that. My mom's usually a pretty reserved, peaceful woman. She steps out and says, "Shane, we're going to take your highlight tape and send it to everyone that you want to. If we get nothing back, we're going to send it again. If we get nothing there, we're going to call them or do something until something happens." A few weeks later, I was in touch with Penn State and took a visit on President's Day. I got to meet with all of the coaches and some people in the College of Communications, including Malcolm Moran (Director of Penn State's Curley Center for Sports Journalism). I knew after that, I couldn't turn down this offer. I was looking at some pretty prestigious academic schools, but this was the perfect marriage between football, realizing my dream. And the Curley Center for Sports Journalism here is unparalleled in it's reach and influence. It has helped me grow as a student, too.

Q: Do teammates give you flack for your hair?
A: A little bit here and there, but it's all good.

Q: You're pretty involved with other activities around campus. How do you balance that with football?
A: To be honest, I look at myself as a regular college kid, except that I play a sport that a lot of people are interested in. It's a sport that I love, but I love a lot of other things in life, too. I love the idea of being as good as you can be in as many things that you can be involved in. For a while there, my biggest fear in school was that, even though I was part of a great football and athletics community, there were so many other great people out there that I just hadn't met yet. So many great organizations, so many cool people. I didn't want to go my whole career without meeting those people. After that happened, I devoted myself to reaching out a little more and trying to get involved in things. The people really make the place. Penn State's a special place, but it's special because of its people. To be able to meet people and get to know them, it's been great.

Q: You're a journalism major. Do you know what's next for your future? Do you want to be sitting here with the media?
A: That would be cool. I got the chance through the College of Communications to work at the 2012 BCS National Championship Game. It was pretty interesting, because as a current player I am on this side of things and there I was a credentialed media member. I was there interviewing some Alabama and LSU players and writing stories on them. It was interesting to be playing in the TicketCity Bowl and then five days later watching from the press box. It was a pretty cool opportunity. After this, I want to write for something. I don't know if it's fiction or magazine writing or some sort of covering sports. I'm not really sure, but I have the confidence, I have the faith that something's going to work out.

Q: What would you say your analysis of the media coverage of the last year has been? What would you do differently if you were sitting in our seats?
A: I'm not one for much speculation, so I'm not really sure. I would do what I best thought was right and I think you guys do that yourselves. I'm not (all of) you...it would be hard for me to say because I don't have that experience. I think just doing the right thing, you can never go wrong with that.