Q&A with Freshman Christian Elliott

Jan. 28, 2014


Freshman Christian Elliott began his collegiate golf career with Penn State this past fall. Not only is he a Nittany Lion newcomer, but his Port Perry, Ontario, Canada roots made his transition to State College even more noteworthy. Discover what sets Elliott apart in this exclusive Q&A.

Q: What was the hardest part about the transition from high school to collegiate golf?

A: The hardest part about the transition would have to be moving away from home and for me, a new country. Also, trying to adapt to a new team environment with different coaching styles and schedules was challenging.

Q: How did you think the fall season went for you as an individual?

A: Not qualifying for the first three tournaments showed me how hard I would have to work to be a starter on this team. After getting the opportunity to play as an individual at our fourth tournament at ETSU I played well and earned a spot on the starting roster for our next tournament at Georgetown. I played relatively well there, contributing to our third place team finish.

Q: What are you looking to improve during the spring season?

A: I'm looking for my game to mature and become better rounded over the course of the season. I want to become more of a polished collegiate player.

Q: What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

A: My biggest accomplishment so far has been finishing third at the Ontario Junior Championship and proceeding to finish eighth at the Canadian Junior Championship.

Q: What is one goal you have for your golf career as a Nittany Lion?

A: I would like to become an Academic All-American because I think it shows the ability to balance success in the classroom as well as competing at a high level athletically.

Q: Has there been anyone that has acted as your mentor or inspiration?

A: I've always surrounded myself with older and better players, which I believe has inspired me to get better. I've certainly learned a lot from them but there hasn't been one person in specific.

Q: Why did you choose Penn State?

A: I chose Penn State because of its exceptional academic status as well as the continuously improving golf program. I knew that Coach Greg Nye has a lot of coaching experience behind him coupled with the fresh knowledge of our assistant coach Mark Leon. Also, Coach Leon being Canadian like myself influenced my decision somewhat.

Q: What was your favorite part of your first semester at Penn State?

A: I have really enjoyed going to other teams' sporting events. After getting to know a lot of other athletes, it's fun to go cheer them on.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to someone just starting his or her golf career?

A: That it is the best decision they have ever made, even if they never pursue it at a high level. The game mirrors life in so many ways and you will learn a lot about yourself as you progress through your golf career.