FEATURE: Q&A with Christina Vosters

Feb. 12, 2014

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.- Senior Christina Vosters (Bethany Beach, Del.) is entering her final spring season of her Penn State career. As she reflects on her years as a Nittany Lion, see how Vosters has transformed from a freshman to the leader of the team in this exclusive Q&A.

Q. What is it like being the only senior on the team?

A. Being the only senior on the team is certainly bittersweet and it can be sad at times knowing you are going to be leaving in only a few months. We have a tremendous group of girls and I love being apart of it. I love spending every single day with them. I really have not thought of myself as the only senior because we are such a good unit and we all seem like we are the same. I just truly enjoy being around them and enjoy the experience with them.

Q. In what areas do you feel you have grown the most from your freshman year to now?

A. I have definitely become more relaxed since my freshman year. College: in golf, in life, and in studies throws you so many curveballs and you just have to learn how to navigate them. You have to learn that it is what it is and things happen, but you learn from them and move on. I learned a lot in my golf game. My golf game has matured incredibly since I was a freshman, a lot due to Coach Andy and Coach St. Pierre as well as my teammates.

Q. Is your leadership style more vocal or lead by example?

A. I would say it is a little bit of both. I like to get everybody pumped up and I truly believe that if you have a good attitude, it radiates over everybody else, which can be a huge motivational boost. That could be vocally by saying happy things or it could also be leading by example through the way you are and the way you approach things. I would say leading by example is something I have worked on and enjoy doing by just being myself and hoping that it helps everyone along the way. I think a combination of both is the best way to lead a team.

Q. How have you been able to take Kendall Allen, Meaghan Coleman, and Kate Granahan under your wing?

A. They are phenomenal additions. They all have wonderful personalities and are all very unique in their own way. Kate has been a great addition, coming a little bit into the season. I was actually able to play with Meaghan in the summer before she came to Penn State, which was a great icebreaker. I did know Kendall from junior golf so that has been an easy transition. We have team dinners and like to do things together so I try to do my part in taking them under my wing. I would say collectively, the entire team has done an excellent job of doing that. It is hard being a freshman walking in to a new environment with a whole bunch of females on a team trying to compete. Golf is a funny sport in that regard and I think they are doing a wonderful job and if there is any step of the way where I could be a mentor for them, I would be happy to help.

Q. What do you except to accomplish this spring season?

A. Our team chemistry is incredible right now. Everybody is getting along great and we all are really motivated to being successful and doing our best. There is a big difference from an expectation and an aspiration. Expectations can sometimes blur your vision when it comes to what you want to achieve and I think we have done a really good job in turning expectations into aspirations and just working towards those while playing our best. We are taking care of the little things and I think because of that, the big things will take care of themselves.

Q. What are your plans after graduating from Penn State?

A. I am not sure but I will definitely say that golf is going to continue to be a big part of my life and I look forward to the next chapter of my life and seeing where it takes me.