BLOG: Moore, Spann Energize Lady Lion's

Feb. 13, 2014

By Mike Esse, GoPSUsports.com Student Staff Writer

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - You know Coquese Washington. You know Maggie Lucas, Ariel Edwards, Dara Taylor, Talia East. All of those names are recognizable faces at a Lady Lion basketball game.

What about Lindsey Spann or Sierra Moore? Can you put a face to those names?

Next time you watch a Lady Lion basketball game and there is a big basket, turnover or defensive stop, don't look at the aftermath of the play, look at the Lady Lion bench. There will be two players jumping up and down, chest bumping each other, waving towels and simply put; going crazy.

That's Lindsey Spann and Sierra Moore.

Both players will sit out the entire 2013-14 season, Spann because of an ACL injury and Moore due to transfer rules. However, they may be two of the most important parts of the Penn State Lady Lions.

"We have two of the loudest people in the world on the bench," senior captain Ariel Edwards said. "It would be tough without them. We have played a lot of hard games where we have looked to them to be our energy source and bring us up when we are down. Without them it would be a lot harder."

Spann's injury occurred at the beginning of summer practice placing her alongside Moore who knew upon transferring that she would not be eligible to play in 2013-14. During that time before the season, head coach Coquese Washington assigned roles for each player on the team. Their role was simple: energize.

Both players have had their difficulties accepting that role though. Moore transferred from Duke and has become comfortable being there for her teammates on the sidelines, but it is only every few games. She can't travel due to NCAA rules and watches games by herself on TV in her dorm room when the team is on the road.

"That's the hardest part for me is not being able to travel," Moore said. "At least when I'm on the bench I have Lindsey and I actually see the team. I'm so close to the team and knowing that I'm here and they are there and having to watch them through a television is hard, but I get through it."

Spann was set to contribute with the group of freshman that have been doing so for Washington especially in conference play. Spann said, and Moore echoed, it was easy to get over because they had a responsibility to their teammates.

"Those are still my teammates regardless of the situation," Spann said. "We get up for every game just like they do so we are just as hype as them and we feed off of each other."

With that, more than halfway into the season Spann and Moore have done much more than just energize and it has been noticeable from the standpoint of players and coaches. That brings satisfaction for both players.

"They always acknowledge the fact that we cheer loud and that we are supportive and they have comments about what we do on the bench which makes us feel good and like we are still a part of everything even though we can't be on the court with them," Moore said.

Not only do they energize and give their teammates somewhere to look for motivation to play better and harder, Spann and Moore have also became outlets for basketball knowledge and advice as well.

Being able to shadow Washington and her coaching staff and understand why certain plays are designed for certain situations is easier while being on the bench than being on the floor for both players. They use that as an avenue to provide a different perspective to practice and in-game situations.

"You see more on the bench that you do in the game so we learn the ins and outs of everything," Spann said. "(Washington) talks to us about things like what we need to improve on and get better at. It's a learning process and you see things that you normally don't in a game."

That is something not many teams have at their disposal.

"It's a different dimension to our team and we are thankful to have them," Edwards said of Spann and Moore. "They bring a lot of energy and it's something that we feed off of and helps us when we don't have anything besides ourselves."

Spann and Moore will use this season to help themselves get better and be prepared for when they step onto the court in 2014-15. For now, they are focused on what they can control and that is being the never-ending energy source of Lady Lion basketball.