Senior Q&A: Katelyn Miller

Oct. 21, 2014

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - The third senior Q&A from the Penn State women's swimming and diving team comes from Katelyn Miller (Hershey, Pa.). Miller has competed in the 50-yard freestyle in each of this season's first two meets.

Q: Why did you choose Penn State?

A: Even though Penn State goes back generations in my family, to be honest, I didn't want to go to school here. I thought I'd been here too many times, and it was too close to home to get that real college feel. But, after visiting the school and experiencing the true nature of Happy Valley for myself, there wasn't a doubt in my mind. I wanted to be a part of this team and this family.

Q: What is your best memory at Penn State?

A: My favorite Penn State memory has to be the Homecoming football game against Michigan (last season). Four overtimes? You just can't beat that.

Q: What is your major, and what are your plans after college?

A: I am majoring in psychology and minoring in human development and family studies. I am still figuring out what exactly I want to do when I'm done here, but ideally I would like to be either in a school or hospital working with kids.

Q: What is one word to describe your time at Penn State?

A: Incomparable.

Q: What was your favorite class/professor at Penn State?

A: My favorite class at Penn State was probably HDFS 229. It was in that class that I realized I wanted to work with kids and have an impact on their future.

Q: What is one thing you want to do before you leave State College?

A: Take crazy pictures with my friends all over campus in our cap and gowns...and graduate!

Q: What advice do you have for future classes?

A: Get involved. College may be the best years of your life, but that doesn't happen by sitting around waiting for it. Go get it, meet people (and stay in touch), try new things, and most of all get out of your comfort zone. Make your time here worth telling stories about.

Q: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream from the Creamery and why?

A: Death by Chocolate (shake), because once the ice cream is all gone, it's just pure chunks of chocolate at the bottom.