BLOG: Keeton Holcomb Adjusting to New Surroundings

Oct. 15, 2015

By Samantha DelRosso, GoPSUsports.com Student Staff Writer
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - On her Christmas vacation in Disney World, then-West Virginia recruit Keeton Holcomb received a call that changed everything.

The West Virginia coaches that she had formed a strong relationship with were leaving the university to coach at TCU. After going through the tough recruiting process and feeling the relief of knowing she would play volleyball in college, she had to go through the process once again.

Going with the coaches to play at TCU was out of the question. She visited the university, but the Bellville, Texas native was determined to get out of Texas. So she reopened her recruiting process in hopes that another college would come her way. And another college did. But it wasn't just any college; it was Penn State, the seven-time national champions, that wanted her on the team.

When it felt like everything was falling apart, in reality, it was only the beginning of things coming together.

"I have always wanted to play [at Penn State]," Holcomb said. "Salima [Rockwell] came and watched me and liked me, then everything just happened so fast."

Fast, indeed. She committed to Penn State and became the starting libero during week one of her freshman year. Many student athletes spend their freshman year watching from the sidelines, but not Holcomb. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

"This is one of the best things ever and I'm so happy it happened. I wouldn't change anything," Holcomb said.

Being the starting libero for Penn State is no easy feat. She is following in the footsteps of national champion and former libero Dominique Gonzalez. Gonzalez been on campus the past few weeks and has been able to give Holcomb advice.

"Dom's been helping me a lot. I talk to her all of the time and she's really helpful to me," Holcomb said. "She gives me tips and she'll serve balls at me just to help me out and get more touches."

The more touches and the more practice, the more confidence. Holcomb has come a long way since week one.

"I have gained a lot of confidence [since week one], having been in that spot now for a while," Holcomb said. "The first game I was shaking, but it's not as nerve-wracking for me anymore. I just go out there, play and have fun. It's awesome."

Her boost in confidence has not gone unnoticed amongst head coach Russ Rose and her teammates.

"She's gaining more confidence. She's resilient and pretty tough," Rose said. "She's battling and trying to do the best she can to help the team."

"She's been phenomenal and she holds her own for being a freshman. I love playing next to her," senior Megan Courtney said. "You can train skills and you can improve skills but those come with time. Her confidence also came over time but it came quicker than most things and that enhanced her play astronomically."

Holcomb is averaging 3.44 digs per set and receiving serves at a .957 percentage. Rose said he is fortunate to have Holcomb on the team.

"She's played really hard, she's played well, her numbers are really good and she's filling a really big void that we have," Rose said.

Being 1,500 miles from home has been, tough. She could have taken the easy route; stayed in Texas, where all of her friends attend college, where the coaches she built relationships with are. But Holcomb challenged herself. She was determined to get out of Texas, out of her comfort zone, and be successful wherever she went. And with her Penn State family by her side, the transition has been smooth.

"I'm surrounded by great people here too, so it's not that difficult," Holcomb said.

Holcomb has been acclimating well to being away from home and to being a freshman student athlete. But one thing she hasn't gotten used to just yet is the State College weather.

"It's cold. I texted my dad today and said, 'look, the leaves are all different colors.' And he said that it was still 90 degrees in Texas," Holcomb said. "I am kind of scared for the winter [here]. I've been around snow before but I've never been there for a long period of time (laughter)."

Holcomb and the fifth-ranked Penn State Women's Volleyball team will take on Indiana on Friday at 7 p.m. and No. 18 Purdue on Saturday at 7 p.m.