BLOG: From Branch to University Park, Cameron Makes Transition

Oct. 23, 2015


By Miranda Kulp, GoPSUsports.com Student Staff Writer
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. ââ'¬"Like many students at University Park, Malik Cameron started his Penn State journey at a satellite campus, more specifically the Harrisburg branch.

Cameron is one-of-seven players for Penn State men's soccer team who transferred, however he's the only one to transfer from a different Penn State branch.

Although branch campus and University Park differ in many ways, one thing stayed consistent for Cameron-his dedication to Penn State's soccer program. Starting off on the Harrisburg team, he became a walk-on for this campus's team.

"It's funny I originally was scouted by other soccer universities while in high school but got hurt. After that all happened I just decided to apply to Penn State and since the application for this campus closed already I decided to attend the Harrisburg campus," stated Cameron.

"When I first arrived I didn't think I was going to play soccer but Harrisburg ignited that fire to want to play again and now being here at Jeffrey Field; I'm so thankful for how everything worked out."

While at Harrisburg, he played 33 games and started in 28. During that time he scored two goals, one of which was a game-winner for his team.

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