Women's Basketball Media Day - Player Transcripts

Oct. 28, 2015

Penn State Women's Basketball
Media Day -- Player Quotes
October 28, 2015

1 | Candice Agee | Sr. | C

Q: How do you view the changes to the game you will see this season?
CA: With the media timeouts being every five minutes instead of four minutes, our conditioning has to get better because now we have to play in longer stretches. We've spent a lot of time over the spring and the summer conditioning so we'll be able to withstand the longer periods of time without a break. I think it's cool though because it's more like what you see in high school and in the WNBA. So it won't be much of a culture shock and will help in the long run with those who are going to continue their careers after college.

Q: What are your expectations for yourself and for the team?
CA: I try not to give myself too many expectations. I feel like going hard, playing my very best, and working towards the team goals that all of us have set forth and doing what we need to do to have a better season than last year is a big enough expectation.

3 | Brianna Banks | Sr. | G

Q: When you look at coming on as a transfer and being around the program last year, what has been the mindset difference this year as opposed to last year?
BB: Right now, I'm just trying to learn the system. I'm learning how to play defense and learning set plays so I'm really just like a freshman at the beginning of the year.

Q: How is the team blending and building chemistry?
BB: It's going pretty well. We're getting better every day and we're just working extremely hard every practice. Building chemistry on and off the court is something we're doing really well.

Q: Being a transfer with so much game experience, but being new to a system, how is that different for you?
BB: It's really frustrating at times because I feel like I'm not adjusting as fast as I need to and want to. I want to be able to help this team and impact them as much as I can [early in the season] so it is frustrating, but I'm learning.

11 | Teniya Page | Fr. | G

Q: Can you talk a little bit about coming to Penn State as a freshman in terms of the offseason, learning curves, and just adjustments you've had to make?
TP: Coming in, especially during the summer, was hard at first because I wasn't used to the schedule and all of the conditioning. It really wasn't too big of a deal with all of the coaches helping me with the transition, as well as Lindsey [Spann] being there to help. Now that I am adjusted, things have been going just fine.

Q: Coach Washington told us that you are an explosive player and to keep an eye out for you on the court. Have you felt any pressure with that?
TP: The main thing coach Washington has told me is to be aggressive and not to be afraid to make mistakes. As far as pressure, I feel like if I just play basketball that'll take care of itself.

Q: How has team chemistry been since you got here over the summer?
TP: The main thing during my recruitment was making sure that team chemistry was important wherever I chose to go to school. Everyone on our team gets along, we all hang out and it's usually a big group of us, so team chemistry right now is really good.

Q: How has Lindsey Spann helped you?
TP: She's like a big sister. I'm the oldest sibling in my house, but she's like my older sister to me.

12 | Lindsey Spann | So. | G

Q: How has the offseason looked for you personally and the team?
LS: The offseason was great. We were all really excited [to get back on the court] and work hard with one another. We have been putting in a lot of hours in the gym and getting a lot of shots up. We are working on the things we know we need to improve on from last year and I think we are making a lot of improvements.

Q: Is there any pressure on you as one of the veterans to try and mesh the freshman into the team?
LS: I'm just playing my role and trying to be a better leader. I'm trying to show people where they excel on the court, where people like the ball and trying to build chemistry on the court.

Q: How do you transition from going from a rebuilding year last year to maybe this year being a contender?
LS: Based off of last year we've learned a lot. We've taken all the good and bad things and learned from them. All the freshman are ready to play and [the veterans] are ready to play. A lot of people are going to get minutes this year, so I think we have a lot to look forward to.

Q: How does Sierra's [Moore] injury impact the season?
LS: We are really going to miss Sierra, but I think at the same time we realize that everyone is going to have to step up. We have a lot of new scoring options and the freshman are doing well and making good decisions.

15 | Kaliyah Mitchell | Jr. | F

Q: Coach Washington said you have been more vocal this year, is that something you tried to improve on?
KM: I think last year we lacked communication and this year we all know that communication will be something we need to improve. I think I am one of the people on the team who can help with that. I felt like this year I needed to come out and talk about what's happening on the court and be more vocal.

Q: How different does this year feel for you guys?
KM: We feel like we have more experience. We know we don't want to have the same outcome as what happened last year. This year we put in more work and we focused on the things we needed to [improve] from last year.

Q: How do you go about filling Sierra's (Moore) role?
KM: Losing her was a big loss for us, but I feel like everyone is in a position now to step up and fill a bigger role. I think people need to fill their roles and do what they do best and make sure they bring it every game. That is something we really need now without having Sierra on the floor.

Q: What were some things you thought you needed to do in the offseason?
KM: Working on my overall game was what I focused on. I needed to be more consistent and come into every game ready to play. Also, getting into better shape and knowing that this year I will be getting more minutes than I did last year. I think that's something I really keyed in on from last year.

22 | Leah Knizner | Fr. | G

Q: Growing up at home where being a Penn State fan was kind of in your blood, what does it mean to you to be here now?
LK: I am so proud to be here. I'm carrying on what my dad [Matt Knizner] did [as a football player] through playing basketball. Being able to be a student-athlete at Penn State, the school [my dad] went to and gave his everything to really means a lot to me.

23 | Jaylen Williams | Fr. | F

Q: As a freshman, what are your expectations for this season?
JW: I expect [our team] to play hard all the time. In a game or at practice, I always see everyone around working hard and trying to get better. It's really great.

Q: What has been the biggest adjustment to college and what's it like to high school?
JW: Practice in college is a lot harder and you have to work hard all the time. There's a lot more running and the transition from high school basketball to college basketball is am adjustment. Everyone is just as strong as you and you come from being great in high school to being on the same level as everyone else in college. You have to work that much harder.

Q: What's it like playing under Coach Washington so far?
JW: It has been great. She is such a great teacher and I've learned so much since I've been here. I've only been here four months and I can only imagine how much I'm going to learn in four years here from Coquese.