Weekly Press Conference - Players (Indiana)

Oct. 6, 2015 Ben Kline | Sr. | LB

Q. I was wondering at anytime since Minnesota in 2013 to now, did you ever consider walking away from football or anything like that?
BK: I have a great support system here [at Penn State]; my teammates and coaches have been great to me, and there were definitely some tough times coming back from injury. I think anybody goes through that but just leaning on my teammates really helped me get through that.

Q. After all this time, how did it feel to get back out there and play again?
BK: It was fun. I don't take for granted any opportunities to be out there with my teammates, and it was fun to be out there with them and get back playing on the field and play a good game. It was good to get a win.

Q. Anthony [Zettel] just came in here and spoke pretty eloquently about what he's been going through. What's it like to have him as part of the team, and what kind of inspiration has he brought to this team?
BK: I think anyone who is close with Anthony takes a tremendous sense of pride in how he's handled himself these past few weeks. It's been an incredibly difficult time for him, it's been hard on a lot of us, as far as his [friends], and he's been stronger than anybody that that's been involved in the situation, and he's been stronger than I would ever expect anyone to be in a similar circumstance.

To see him take on the load, not only as a member of this team, but as a member of his own family and take that on the responsibility that come with that makes me proud to be his friend and makes me really proud to be his teammate. I couldn't be more proud of the guy.

Q. You and Anthony seem very close, are you comfortable sharing what you talked with him about after he received the news [that his father passed away]?
BK: Everybody had a personal conversation with him and said what they thought they needed to say. I did the same thing. He talked to a lot of us, and he was a source of strength for a lot of us. To see him be so strong in that kind of situation, it was unbelievable just to see the way he conducted himself and the poise that he had under those circumstances.

Q. John Urschel has been the super smart football player at Penn State, If you won the Rhodes Scholar, would that be a good one-up on him?
BK: I'm not even -- John is exponentially smarter than me. The stuff he does is so much more complicated that what I am doing [for my major]. I think it's something that if he wanted to go for it he easily could have done it. He's in a totally different league [academically] .

Q. Was your focus on community service and academics the past couple of years a product of not being able to get out on the field and play due to your injuries?
BK: This [football] program is very important to me, and since I was not able to contribute on the field as much as I would have liked to I had to find a way to contribute to the betterment of this program. It [community service] was important to me and it was definitely a motivating factor.

Q. Can you elaborate on the difference, the contrast of styles from playing Army's ground game to playing Indiana's up-tempo style?
BK: Yeah, it's very contrasting styles. I think anytime you play one of the service academies, it's a tough, hard-fought game. None of us have played that since Navy in 2012, so it's really different. It's just a total change of pace, it changes all your calls, changes everything, and we have a lot of respect for [Army], and they play really hard.

Now you move to Indiana who runs a very different type of scheme and they have great players, great coaches, and they run they run [their system] really well. So, it's going to be an awesome challenge, and I think that we are looking forward to it. It's a real change of pace, and it's going to keep us on our toes and we're excited.

Q. What do you want to do long term after football? What are your plans?
BK: I'm going to end up going to graduate school and I would like to, at some point, wind up working with economic policy.

Anthony Zettel | Sr. | DT

Q: Belated condolences. I wondered if you could talk about what it's been like for you.
AZ: My family and I went through a hard time, but I think when you have a group of guys in the locker room like I have and a group of people at home; family and friends, that surround you with support, I think that really takes the edge off everything and [helped] me be able to fight through it and deal with it better.

Q. What was your last time like with your dad, do you mind sharing that? Just some of the proud talk that you guys had, father and son?
AZ: I saw him last at Temple. I got to go up and see him at the hotel, and that moment will stay with me forever. Also, I talked to him on the phone Tuesday [before San Diego State] and also being with him for two weeks before he passed away was huge for my family and I. I was just trying to support my mom and sister and everybody. It was good to see him and Coach Franklin gave me a lot of leeway to go home and spend time with him.

Q. You continued to play in games. I wonder what that difficult? Therapeutic? What was it like to participate while it was all going on and to be out there with your teammates?
AZ: It was emotional. It was an emotional little spurt for me there, but at the same time that's what he would want [me to do]. When I would come home and he was going through chemo sessions, he would be telling me to get back to college and go do your thing because sitting here with me, you're not doing anything you want to do and bettering yourself.

I think me not playing that game was not even a question, you know, I'm playing that game no matter what, for him and for my career, too. That's what he would want me to do.

I couldn't have any better support from my teammates and my coaches. Also, from my friends, family and everybody in the community in general. I've gotten thousands of letters and everything from people, and it really shows you the support that Penn State has toward their student-athletes.

Q. That San Diego State game was one of your best. What did it mean to you to come out after your father's passing and have a strong game like that?
AZ: I think everything was on point [that day]. I was more focused than I've ever been. I knew what I had to do and I felt like [my father] was with me every step of the way. It just felt different, but I know every game I play from here on out or whatever I do in life he's going to be with me. That's the mind set I have to have and I truly believe that.

Q. How important was it for the coaching staff to give you the time to go back on your free will, how important was that for you to deal with that?
AZ: It was a big relief. I know our coaches really care about us and [they know] football is such a little part of our life. Family and relationships are the most important thing in life. The people that we love and care about are the most important thing, not a football game. So when something like this happens, you have to be caring enough, especially when you have 125 guys on the team, there are going to be problems, that's part of life, but I think they were lenient with me, and I still was doing what I had to do with talking to my professors and getting everything situated with academics and also getting caught up on the game schemes and watching film from home, so I think that was huge.

Q. Were you driving back or flying back?
AZ: I drove back both times. I drove myself back after the Buffalo game and then after the San Diego State game I drove back with my mom, my grandparents and my brother and sister.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the physical demands of playing Amry and their style? It seemed like on their scoring drives [the first team] defensive line was on the sidelines resting?
AZ: I have great faith in Coach Spencer's decision to rest us, so we're ready for the fourth quarter. I'm not saying we would have made the play if we were in there, but I think it's obviously a little different sometimes when starters are out, but at the same time I have confidence in the guys that come in. We have been in [the game] when [our opponents] have score, so it's just part of football. They got a big break-away play, and I feel we can find a way to avoid that next time.

Q. How has being at Penn State helped you through everything and how much does the rest of your season mean to you?
AZ: My time at Penn State is slowly coming to an end. I've been here for five years and it's amazing to think that I've been here that long. It's weird to think that I've played in this great stadium that many games and I only have a few left. I want to make the most out of them. Looking into these next couple of games I want to do this for the Penn State football family, this town, this community, my teammates, my coaches, my family back home, I have a lot to play for and it really makes playing hard every game a lot easier, so I have a lot of passion and stuff for this school and this university.

Q. Can you describe the challenge of having to prepare for a pocket passer and a quarterback who maybe likes to scramble a little bit more and you guys might see both those guys this weekend.
AZ: Yeah, both of them have a certain amount of challenge. I know Sudfeld can sit in the pocket with the ball, he's a very efficient passer, and Diamont, he's very good on his feet, he can make plays, like you seen last week when he ran 80 yards for a touchdown. The kid [Diamont] is an athlete and he's going to set up the offense the best way he can to use his feet. I think as a defensive lineman you have to understand pass rush, lanes and have an understanding of who is in the game and what you need to do.

So as a defensive end, you're not going to move on a guy that can scramble and lose the edge, you know, there are certain things that you have to bring every play depending on who is in. Q. You said that your teammates and the community was so supportive, is there one moment or one conversation with anyone from the community or from your team that really helped you?
AZ: I wouldn't say one moment; I think I've had so many people that have impacted me here at Penn State, whether it's professors, coaches, teammates or anybody from the community. I have had a lot of really good people that just really care about me as a person. I try to put myself out there and have conversations with people, just getting to know people.

If you use [football] as a platform to your advantage, that's what we can do as student-athletes, and I have tried to do that. I've had so much help that it makes life a lot easier for me, especially when I am going through the things I've went through.

Q. What's the best memory of your dad?
AZ: I mean, there are so many memories with my dad. The best memory? I mean, I spoke at his memorial service, and I think the two happiest moments I ever had with him was when he walked my sister down the aisle; that was special. There was a special vibe in that whole room that you can't match.

A couple of months ago when I hit the hole-in-one in golf was special, too. To have him there with me was something special, just seeing how excited he was for me and plus him being there -- the fact that he just got off a round of chemo and could barely walk, and he's out there golfing is something special. You know, there is a lot of good moments.

Q. Was he golfing with you?
AZ: Yeah. He couldn't hit it far, 170 yards, but it would be down the pipe every time. He never deviated from the path. He was a pretty good golfer for his condition.

Q. Indiana's running back, Jordan Howard has more than 700 yards already. They have a high-powered offense, high-tempo offense. What goes into preparing for a guy like that, and is it different than last year, when you also had to prepare for a high-powered running back?
AZ: I think they're both relatively same type of running back, I think Coleman had a little more break-away speed, but I think their offensive line is a more veteran group of guys that communicate well, and that might be a big reason for his success, but I think comparing both running backs, they both have a lot to offer.

Q. You're a fun-loving guy, bit with everything that has happened have you taken time for yourself off the field to do fun things?
AZ: During the season it's a busy time anyway so you've got to stay on pace, try to get eight hours of sleep is a big thing. I live with a bunch of great guys and we always have a good time. Whether it's playing video games or sitting there, talking, it makes life easier for me. Last night I went to watch the "Black Mass" movie, so just getting out like that it makes it easier for me and it keeps my mind off stuff. Obviously at night it gets a little hard, but I have a great group of guys around me, so that makes it easier.