Postgame Quotes: Lady Lions vs. Virginia Tech (Dec. 3, 2015)

Dec. 3, 2015

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Penn State Women's Basketball
Postgame Quotes vs. Virginia Tech
Dec. 3, 2015

Coquese Washington
Penn State Head Coach

Q: What was the message at halftime for these ladies after those turnovers?
A: Take care of the ball. We did a much better job of that the second half, but in that first half we had an unordinary amount of turnovers and that contributed to our slow start in the first half.

Q: When Brianna Banks went down and then came back into the game, she was on the perimeter a lot. Was she in for mainly a shooting role?
A: Yeah, she was in for shooting and passing. She is a scorer, but obviously she was limited. She couldn't be as explosive as she was a little bit earlier in the game. But, she still is a threat to score and make shots.

Q: Can you talk a little bit about the shooting tonight. It seemed low at the beginning to start off. What did you talk to your players about?
A: Early in the game, we weren't getting shots; we were turning the ball over. Once we settled down, especially in the second half, we did a much better job of moving the ball and getting ball reversals. We played with a lot more patience and poise on the offensive end. We got pretty good shots in and make them. We just needed to play with a little bit more poise and we did that the second half.

Q: Are you still going to take it day-to-day with Brianna (Banks)?
A: I'm not sure. I know she rolled her other ankle this time, so I don't know how bad that is. She is going to see the doctors soon. But she probably will be day-to-day, I'm guessing.

Q: Can you talk about Lindsey's (Spann) impact on the game today? She had a game-high of 20 points.
A: Well, I thought the second half in particular she made some good shots for us. She was a big reason we were able to cut into that lead offensively; it actually started the end of the second quarter then leading into the second half. She got a little bit of confidence leading to the basket, picking up some fouls, making it from the free-throw line. Once she got on a role, she had a lot of confidence.

Q: Bri (Banks) was visibly upset when she went down. She came back in. What's that conversation like with her? I understand she is a very passionate person about the game, so as a coach, what did you say to her?
A: First, it's a medical decision. I talked to the trainers and they said she was a go. Then I asked Bri could she play, did she want to play? Of course, being the passionate person that she is, she wants to be out there and she wants to contribute anyway that she can. It was a quick conversation, basically.

Q: Turnovers tonight were a big thing as far as the slow start, but can you put your finger on a broader theme as to why there have been so many slow starts in the last couple games?
A: I think it's turnovers in every game. I don't think we're getting enough shot attempts. If you're in the 20's with turnovers, it's hard to win. It's hard to be successful. We've got to get that under control. When we haven't turned the ball over, we've been pretty good. So we just got to stay in practice, stay working at making completed passes and shot attempts.

Q: Coach, can you talk about what happened to Kaliyah Mitchell when she left early in the game?
A: To be honest, I really don't know. They took her and then they said she can play, so I'm really not sure.

Q: Despite the turnovers, your team held them pretty close in the first quarter. They did not look flat despite the turnovers, were you pleased with that despite the turnovers?
A: I expect them to come out and play hard. They're playing basketball, they're teenagers and they should have energy. But, it's about executing better. We're getting slow starts and it's because we're not executing better at the start of the game. So we have to figure out a way to be better in that one particular area. We have to take care of the ball. We have to execute on offense better. We're keeping ourselves in striking distance defensively, but we have to have a balanced attack. We have to be able to play both ends of the floor and the last couple of games; our offense hasn't been where it needs to be.

Q: Peyton (Whitted) got into a little bit of foul trouble. But can you talk about how big those eight points were in the second half?
A: Well, she's been playing very well for us most games this season. When she gets in foul trouble in the first half and she has to sit a bit, it takes a weapon away for us. You could see in the second half; she is able to make some plays in the high post. We needed that out there so we have to find a way to keep her on the floor.

Q: Judging by the body language, it's a very frustrating loss. How do you keep them up?
A: You're seeing them ten minutes after the loss. By tomorrow, we'll be focused on the next opponent. We put a lot of heart and work and soul and your spirit into this and to lose a close game, and to have injuries is emotional. We're not going to come in here like it is Christmas morning. I expect them to be upset and frustrated, but I also know that they're going to bounce back. They'll be in the gym tomorrow with good spirits and asking what do we have to do to improve to be ready for Sunday.

#12 Lindsey Spann | So. | G

Q: Lindsey, your coach said this week that if Brianna (Banks) were to be absent then she felt that she could count on you to provide a spark. Looks like you did so with your offensive performance especially. As soon as she went out for the second time, was that something that you felt that you needed to rally and step up a little bit?
A: I come into every game, focused and ready to play; so whatever my team needs, that's what I come in the game to do.

Q: Lindsey, you had a season high of twenty points for yourself tonight. What clicked for you tonight that may not have clicked for you in previous games?
A: I kept trusting in myself and my teammates. When I was open, I took the shot. I'm still doing the same thing. I'm working on my shot every day. I just try to come into the game prepared. I've been struggling on my shot and I keep shooting, and it went in tonight. Keep moving forward. I will try to stay consistent.

Q: This is clearly a frustrating loss. What clearly jumps out at you from the stat sheet in front of you?
A: Turnovers.

Q: How did it feel to have Brianna (Banks) back?
A: It was a good feeling to have her out there. She's been absent a lot, but she's still trying to come back and get back into her mojo. It was good to have her out there on the court.

#11 Teniya Page | Fr. | G

Q: Teniya, first half looked like frustrations were a little high. Can you take us through that first half and how you guys managed to rally back within two points in the fourth quarter?
A: It was just a matter of stop turning the ball over and paying attention to the details on defense. Once we stopped turning the ball over, we actually got a chance to shoot the ball instead of going back on defense. That was the biggest difference.

Dennis Wolff
Virginia Tech Head Coach

Opening Statement
I'm really proud of our kids to be able to go on a road game and to be able to play really well in the first quarter. We got into a little foul trouble and Penn State worked hard and got back into it and our kids made enough plays to win the game. I am really proud.

Q: Coach, Vanessa (Panousis) was perfect from the line, which was crucial in those last seconds. Is that something that's common for her?
A: She's a great free throw shooter. This is her third year with us. She's had experience playing with the Australian National Teams. She really never looks rattled. Not only the free throws, but when Hannah (Young) and Vanessa both made back to back three's, I think that gave us a little cushion and that really enabled us to get away from.

Q: Coach, can you talk about how well Teniya (Page) played?
A: She played well. I mean I thought she played well. She's a freshman. It's hard for any freshman. I thought our freshman guard played well. I think particularly in the beginning of the game, Chanette Hicks played particularly well. It's a whole different pace for these kids; even as good of players as they are, and as successful they have been in high school. It's hard to be able to sustain it throughout the course of the game.

Q: Penn State opened with five turnovers in 2:30 minutes and Virginia Tech scored just two points off of those turnovers and then started to capitalize as the game went on. It that a conversation that you had with them?
A: When I look at the stat sheet, I'm not happy that we turned the ball over as much as we did and I think nothing good ever happens when you turn the ball over. I think it deflated them a little bit and gave us a little bit of life. I think when two teams are playing hard, and two teams want to win the game, you got to be really tough enough to handle the ball.