BLOG: Teniya Page Providing Spark for Lady Lions

Jan. 26, 2016

By ANNA PITINGOLO, GoPSUsports.com Student Staff Writer
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - At the annual media day to kick off the season, Penn State head coach Coquese Washington said newcomer Teniya Page would be fun to watch this year. Little did she know just how much fun it would be.

As just a true freshman, Page is leading the Lady Lions like a seasoned veteran, leading the team in points per game (16.1) and field goal percentage (.427). But while she may be excelling on the court, it doesn't mean she is exceeding any expectations set out for her, whether it's from herself or Washington.

"I'm pretty hard on the point guards and have high expectations," Washington said. "But I will say she has shown calmness and poise and composure beyond her experience. She plays with a very high basketball IQ...she hasn't had many bad games and I think that's sometimes rare for a freshman in any position but in particular as a point guard so I've been really pleased with how she's playing."

Page also has expectations from herself that she hasn't met yet, and she is looking to improve her game to try and meet them as the end of the season looms near.

"I wouldn't say I'm exceeding [my expectations], more like meeting them and just playing how I know I can play," Page said. "So I wouldn't necessarily say that with a whole bunch [of games] to go that I just exceeded all of them but that I just met a lot of them and I'm happy about it, but at the same time, obviously have to keep working."

As Page works to improve her game, Washington has already seen her take huge strides since the beginning of the season. As a point guard, Page has to be a leader on the court, and she will be the first to admit that she isn't usually a very vocal person. But Washington believes she is getting more and more comfortable with that role as the season progresses.

"In every game, she seems to get a little bit more comfortable in the things that I'm asking her to do that aren't really second nature for her, but I like her progress and she's certainly is adapting to the college game very well," Washington said.

Sophomore Lindsey Spann has been splitting point guard duties with Page all year, and has seen firsthand the presence that she brings to the court. Page's ability to stay calm under pressure is especially important as a point guard.

"She's a great player to play with. She seems kind of quiet sometimes but she stays very calm and composed and that's something players need to see from their point guard," Spann said. "It's amazing, she does a lot of things that a lot of freshman in Division I basketball right now can't do. She pays attention, she likes to learn, she wants to do better and be better for herself not only, but for the team."

Page has shown what she is capable of this season, reaching double-digits points in 15 of 19 games this season. Her high was 31 points against Michigan, making her the first freshman to hit 30 points in a game since Tyra Grant had 33 in 2007.

"I think one of the things that helps her is just her athleticism," Washington said. "She's a very athletic player, and she can be very explosive in getting to the rim. When she turns the speed on, she can get wherever she wants to go on the court. And then you add to her athleticism, she's highly skilled. She's got a fantastic handle, she shoots the ball well, plus her high basketball IQ, all those things come together to make her a really dynamic player."

Page will get a chance to go up against one of the best teams in the country, when No. 5 Maryland comes to Happy Valley on Wednesday. But just like any other game, she'll be calm, cool and collected.