Pitt Q&A - Terry Smith

Sept. 8, 2016

Q: In talking with the team this week what message did you get a chance to pass along and what does this game being back on the schedule mean to you?

Smith: My message was simply to find consistency in our approach to the game and find consistency in how we play come Saturday. There's a lot of media hype around this game and just trying to deliver the message that this is the most important game because it's the next game and that we have to come out even. You can't have rollercoaster of emotions for this game, you have to come and play with some consistency.

Q: Now that you're coaching this team instead of playing, how does your experience differ and can you take us back a little bit to what your experience was like back during this particular game week?

Smith: As a coach it's always different than being a player because as a player, you're in control of the play, you're in control of what actually happens on the field. As a coach, you're kind of at the mercy of your players doing as you asked them to prepare all week. So that's different. This week it's an exciting week, it's nice to be a part of a game that's exciting and has a lot of media and fanfare. It's going to be a sold out crowd at Heinz field so it's exciting, it's fun. I can remember growing up, watching this game and all of the greats that played at Pitt and the greats that played at Penn State before us and it's exciting. It's nice to play them again.

Q: Brandon Bell said you took some pride in going 3-1 against Pitt, how did you convey that message to the players about how important that was to you back then?

Smith: Well I just tried to relay the message that while you're in the present and you're on this current football team and you're given the opportunity to go out against an opponent, take advantage of it, because just like how our players come to us from high school, they have bragging rights whether you beat one of your teammates.

We all know people from Pittsburgh. I'm from Pittsburgh so I know just about everyone down there, so you want to have an advantage. Playing career-wise, when I was on the field, it was that I was 3-1 against Pitt.

Q: Beyond the wins, what do you remember most about the wins and playing that series? What still sticks with you years later?

Smith: The hype, just like it is this week. The hype, the excitement - it's a great atmosphere, it's exciting and it's great for our players and the state of Pennsylvania. So there's a lot of hype around it and we're excited and it creates an atmosphere where our players are excited and want to play and be a part of this.

Q: I know the players don't look at this as a rivalry because a lot them were so young the last time these two teams played, but you played here shortly after the hay day so is this still a rivalry for you personally? How do you look at that?

Smith: We look at it as it's the next game up on the schedule. One thing that Coach Franklin drives home to us is that the next game is the most important game so last week when we were playing Kent State we couldn't mention Pitt. We weren't preparing for Pitt and anything Pitt was off limits. So we prepare for the next opponent and this is the biggest game of the season because it's the current game and our message to our guys is again, to find consistency. Let's improve upon last week and let's go out and try a perfect football game.

Q: Have you talked to or heard from any of players on the roster from Pittsburgh or have you talked to [Matt] Limegrover or [Joe] Moorhead about how they're feeling about the game and being able to go play in front of their hometown?

Smith: Yes, we talk often. Coach Limegrover and myself will be in Pittsburgh recruiting tomorrow. We're from there so we've been addressing our players and letting them know that there's a lot of hype in this game and the city of Pittsburgh is wanting to represent themselves and the city of Pittsburgh. Our fans are going to show up and we're going to leave all of our efforts on the field.

Q: What are the advantages for you to be able to go on the road a day early and recruit, especially since it's an in-state game?

Smith: it's not an advantage for the game and I don't know if it's an advantage, it's more of a convenience. Often times we go on the road and recruit and it's tough trying to get back to State College or wherever our game is that evening before a game, especially before a noon kickoff. So it's a lot more convenient to go into Pittsburgh and recruit and just go right to the hotel and not have to worry about catching a flight halfway across the country or having to drive through the night to get back. Of course it's very convenient and obviously Pittsburgh is an important area for us to recruit there and we just want to make sure our presence is felt.

Q: There has been a lot of talk this week about Pitt's Jordan Whitehead, what kind of a threat or an advantage for a team might he pose?

Smith: Jordan Whitehead is a big time player, clearly all the awards he won last year he has earned them and he is really good. We're expecting him to play on offense, we're expecting them [Pittsburgh] to use him on jet sweeps, maybe a couple trick plays, some swing routes to get the ball out into the open space because he's dynamic. So we're preparing all of those things. We're preparing for him because if he was on our team we'd probably be using him the same way. He's a terrific athlete and we're looking forward to trying to defend him and slow him down once he gets on offense.

Q: How tough is it to prepare for an offense when it looks like they didn't show a whole lot in their opener against Villanova and you have some new people over there obviously.

Smith: You do a lot of your film study based on the coordinator's history. We know he came from North Carolina State and Wisconsin, so you do a lot of film study on those years. We as coaches, are who we are, and when you look at his history and the first game, he's pretty consistent to who he is so we prepare for that. We know what we're going to get so we just have to go out there and stop it.

Q: How are feeling about your depth right now at your positions, especially with Christian [Campbell] and Amani [Oruwariye]?

Smith: We have tremendous depth at the corner position. We have four quality guys who I think are all playing at a really high level. We're really pleased with their progress. I'm excited for the challenge this weekend for those guys. All four of them are going to play a lot football so I'm excited, it's a great group of guys. There's tremendous competition in my room to determine who the one is through the four. It's a good situation for us.