Oct. 10, 2016
Penn State Fencing Team Wraps up Day Four at October North American Cup
Women's Fencing finished off the final day of the Olympic trials.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.; October 10, 2016 -- The Penn State women's fencing team competed on the final day at the 2016 North American Cup in Detroit, Michigan.
The women's saber team ended the final day with senior Teodora Kakhiani (Tbilisi,Georgia ) placing 54th, sophomore DeAna Oliver ( Montclair, N.J.) finishing 96th and Erin McLoughlin ( San Jose, Costa Rica) placing 105th.
Penn State fans are encouraged to follow Penn State fencing via Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/pennstateFEN, on Penn State Fencing's Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pennstatefencing and on Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/pennstateFEN.