FH Alumni Update: Amanda Dinunzio

April 7, 2017

In our third-edition of the Penn State field hockey alumni update we take a look at Amanda Dinunzio, a recent alum having wrapped up her playing days in the Blue & White just a few years ago.

Hometown: State College, Pa.

Years with PSUFH: 2011-2014

Major: Spanish

How did Penn State prepare you?
Penn State taught me a lot about how to balance hockey, life, and school and it also taught me great work ethic. I had such great support to allow me to be the best student athlete I could be. I had so much support from my coaches, training staff, and faculty and it was up to me to make the most of it. I really learned how to make the most of the resources I'm given.

Favorite memory as a Nittany Lion?
Winning the Big Ten Tournament my freshman year at home! Scoring my first goal in a big game against Northwestern and celebrating with Taylor Herold like it was a championship game! Also, dancing in the THON pep rally every year.

What are you currently up to?
I'm currently playing for the U.S. Women's National Team. I joined the team in September 2016 and I just got selected for my first tour with the team and am currently in New Zealand playing in the Hawke's Bay Cup!

I am profoundly grateful to Char for giving me the opportunity to play for Penn State.

Being from State College, ever since I was little and went to my first game, I always dreamed of what it would be like to wear the blue and white and what it mean't to be a Nittany Lion. I looked up to the team as my role models, and now I love being able to give back and serve as a role model to not only the State College girls, but other girls looking to play in college and beyond.