Nittany Lions Take on Ireland: Day 2

Aug. 14, 2017

Day 1 Blog

By Lauren Waller, Penn State women's golf
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.- After a rough go of it yesterday, today was the day, the day we would FINALLY get to Ireland. And it would only take a team split up, five different flights, and a new destination to get there.

Spending hours trying to figure out our new plans for our trip, a solution was reached, one that was not the easiest but the only way possible. Our new, final destination was now Dublin, causing a little bit longer of a drive upon arrival but nothing we can't handle.

However, what was hard to handle was the fact that our team would be split up. Six going one way and five going another. All on completely different flights and different routes to get to the same final destination. The six took an 11 AM flight to Philadelphia to then have a long, nine hour layover for the flight to Dublin at 9 PM. The other five were not so lucky, having to take three different flights and not much relaxing time. They took a 1 PM flight to Philly just to catch a 3:45 PM flight to Chicago and then, finally, a 6:30 PM flight to Dublin.

To say that we had a heck of a time getting to Ireland is an understatement. Between the cancelled flight and crazy day of travel, our patience was surely tested. But through all of that, we finally made it to Ireland and our trip was underway!