Penn State - Georgia State: Penn State Head Coach James Franklin Postgame Quotes

Sept. 16, 2017

Penn State Football
Vs. Georgia State - Head Coach James Franklin
September 16, 2017

James Franklin | Head Coach

Opening Statement
Obviously, really appreciate everybody coming out and the type of support that we got, 102 thousand, from what I understand in the stadium. So, can't thank the community and the alumni and the fans and the students for the type of support that we get. It's nothing like I've been a part of in my career, so I'm very, very appreciative, and I know our team and coaches are as well. For the game, we talked all week long about playing a complete game for four quarters, playing well in all three phases, offense, defense and special teams, and I thought we did that. That's a team that took Wisconsin and had a lead in the fourth quarter on the road, so I think that was valuable for us to talk to our team about and be able to show them that on tape. I think offensively I would've liked to see us run the ball a little bit better. Not having [Brendan] Mahon in there I think affected us a little bit in the run game. But, once again, we were able to get the ball to Saquon [Barkley] in the passing game, and I think we all see the type of player that he is. Defensively, I think obviously you'd love for us to be a more suffocating defense, where they don't run the ball and don't throw the ball for the little dinks and dunks down the field. The most important thing is we're keeping people out of the end zone. We've done that really now for three weeks. I've been very, very pleased, not giving up big plays on defense and keeping people out of the end zone. So I've been very, very impressed with that. And then again, special teams, over the last year and a half, is probably the area we've improved the most in the program. We've invested in it, and were really getting a lot of return on our investment right now. I couldn't be more pleased. Obviously having Saquon as a return man on kickoff was a great way to start the game, and then obviously, DeAndre [Thompkins] has just been fantastic as a punt returner, even tonight, where their scheme was to use the low angle punt, which are hard to get returns on. I'm pleased overall. There's a bunch of stats and numbers down here I could go over, but the more important thing is we came out and played a complete game. We got a bunch of players in the game and gained valuable experience. We'll enjoy this for less hours than normal. We'll enjoy this for 34 minutes and then start focusing on the next opponent. Open up to questions.

Q. James, after three games what questions have been answered and what questions do you still have?
JF: I think consistently being able to stop the run, create a little bit more three and outs. The turnovers were huge today. Whenever you get five turnovers on defense and you don't turn the ball over on offense, that's a recipe for success. I'd like us to be a little bit more physical, stopping the run game. But again, it's hard to be critical on a shutout. I think overall, we played well. People are getting the ball out of their hands pretty quickly against us, kind of throwing the ball into the fly or the seams real quick. You'd love to see a little bit more sacks again, but again that's the style of offense that were seeing. RPO's or getting the ball out quickly. So, that would be the one thing I would say on defense. On offense, I think we've got to consistently be able to run the ball a little bit better. We've got to sustain our blocks longer. Special teams we have to continue to refine what were already doing. Overall, I'm pleased; the experience that we gained today, the depth that we're creating is going to be helpful for us long-term.

Q. Saquon [Barkley], did you see the touch down, the extra burst of speed he had, does he ever cease to amaze you with some of the things he does, and secondly do you feel like Trace [McSorley] threw the ball better today?
JF: I feel like Trace [McSorley] definitely threw the ball better. I feel like Saquon [Barkley] just has so many tools, you talk about a 235 pound guy that can make you miss, run you over and then can burst up the sideline. Two years ago he said he wanted to get faster and he worked on that, to finish runs off. I think in open space, I can't imagine there is a more explosive, dangerous player in space than him. The thing that makes Saquon Barkley special is that there was no one more excited on our sideline. There was nobody coming up to me and Joe [Moorhead], more excited and wanting to get [Nick] Eury on the field. That was what he was excited about, getting Eury a carry tonight. He is a special guy in a lot of different ways. I stopped being surprised or amazed a while ago with him.

Q. James, we heard so much this offseason about the more aggressive approach your secondary wanted to take, through three games do the results, pass break-ups, interceptions, exceed what you expected or met what you expected with that increased activity?
JF: I would say about what we expected. I still feel like sometimes, on the perimeter we give people probably too much credit. I think we give up the easy speed out or hitch, where I think we can hang in there. We've got some corners that can run, we really do. I think sometimes we play a little bit softer than we need to. I'm even talking about deep thirds and things like that and deep quarters. But again, overall very good to see [Tariq] Castro-Fields get in there; make a play on the ball with his length. Very similar to what Amani [Oruwariye] did a few weeks ago. To see Marcus [Allen] get a turnover tonight, which was awesome, probably one of the few question marks, you talked about question marks earlier, he has been one of the better field generals in the country in terms of getting our defense lined up and making adjustments. I think that he is one of the more physical safeties in the country, so to see him get an interception tonight and almost return it for a touchdown, I'm really happy for him and our defense.

Q. James you mention the experience you are able to get a lot of guys on the field. Can you describe how much it helps a Castro-Fields and even Tommy Stevens played a good bit of quarterback, how much does that actual game experience helps them in the long hall.
JF: Well I think it helps our Veteran players. I think getting Jason Cabinda, Marcus Allen, Trace [McSorley], Saquon [Barkley], and [Mike] Gesicki off the field and getting them time to go out and compete and then getting them out again is going to help us next week dramatically. That's going to help us later in the season. But yeah, I don't think there is any doubt when you're able to get guys a bunch of reps in the third quarter, not just the fourth quarter, is really valuable. I talk about it not only from a player development standpoint but also make the argument of having a healthy locker room. The more guys that you have involved and you're able to watch tape with on Sunday and grade their tape and grade their performance is valuable, it's really valuable. To see [Immanuel] Iyke get in there tonight and get a tackle for a loss, that stuff is awesome because I preach it all the time the importance of every single person in our program. It doesn't matter what their role is, their role is critical to our success. To see a bunch of guys that work so hard during the week and to have the opportunity to get on the field and compete and contribute is awesome, that's what it's all about.

Q: I think as far as the end of the game you're obviously going to have a few critics about deciding to call a timeout right before the field goal. I was curious if you could walk us through the decision in how important it was to secure that shut out.
JF: Really that had nothing to do with it. It had to do with we had our fourth team on the field and we don't have a fourth team field goal block or really even know how to get lined up with the mix and matched guys we had in there so we called a timeout to get the second team field goal block in there and that's just how it played out to be honest with you.

Q: James what went into Will Fries getting to start tonight and when you thought watching the film how do you think he did? And do you have any concerns with Torrence Brown and maybe think this could be something long term?
JF: It was great that Will Fries got the first start of his career. He's been typically a tackle for us and he moved into offensive guard, but the man is a big time player for us and he's going to have a significant role as the season moves on and we anticipate of having him back this week that's about as far as I'll go about it. Torrence Brown as you guys know is that we don't ever talk about those things but I know he just broke the team down in the locker room and he was out the second half so obviously we are hopeful that he will be available next week.