Penn State - Georgia State: Penn State Offensive Student-Athletes Postgame Quotes

Sept. 17, 2017

Penn State Football
Vs. Georgia State - Offensive Student-Athletes
September 16, 2017

Saquon Barkley | RB | JUNIOR

Q. On the 85-yarder, you started out on the same side of the field as Trace McSorley and then you slid to the opposite side. Why did you do that?
SB: It was kind of just a feel. I kind of thought that Trace was going to lose me and that me sliding would help. I thought Trace did an unbelievable job of using his eyes and coming down to a check-down. It was kind of weird. He looked away from me at first and I thought that he was going to go down field and just naturally turned around and did what we work on. He goes through his reads, his one, two, and three and checks down. It's just something that we work on every single day in practice and he just naturally came down to me. I was able to get one-on-one and find a way to score and get into the end zone. Brandon Polk and all of the wide receivers did an unbelievable job of blocking down field for me.

Q. Do you feel like you've always been able to read those pursuit angles like you do or is that something that you've improved on?
SB: I feel like I always have been able to, but I feel like I have improved in it. When you get to college, you think you're good in high school and you are good in high school because obviously you wouldn't be at this level and be able to play at this level, but when you watch more film and watch NFL guys like on [Bell] and Zeke [Ezekiel Elliot] and watch college guys set up running, and when you have a guy like Coach Huff who focuses on all of the little things, not focusing on you just being a one-dimensional back, to be an all-around back. When the ball's in your hands, be elusive, be explosive. That's something that you work on and you get a better feel when you play in the game as you get older. I feel that that move is something that I've been doing since I was eight, but as you can tell, it's something a little different at this level and you've got to continue to work on it.

Trace McSorley | QB | SENIOR

Q. Can you take me through the 85-yard touchdown that looked like something out of Varsity Blues?
TM: We were just going through the progression, the first one wasn't there and the second one we might have had a chance to fit it in to Mike [Gesicki] but we realized the guy was kind of falling off. That's the progression, if that guy falls off and we feel like they don't have anyone there for the back with the coverage. My eyes went down, I found Saquon [Barkley] and got it over the line that was there and guided it to him. Then he does what he does when he has an open field. Making guys miss and run away from people.

Q. How is this offense clicking now as far as you think it could be at this point of the season?
TM: We put together a really good week of preparation and it was probably our most complete week that we've had this entire year. It was really good to get everyone in the right mindset before we get into conference play…knowing the standard we can work to and just keep elevating it as we go on.

Q. Do you get a sense of how boxed in he was when you're at field level?
TM: I could kind of see a little bit. I knew he was tight down the sideline and I thought he was going to get pushed out but I looked up at the jumbotron because I couldn't really see. I saw him kind of scurry past the guys and get down the sideline then I started sprinting down towards the end zone.

Andre Robinson | RB | SOPHOMORE

Q. Coach Franklin said he preached all week that this was the team that took Wisconsin down to the wire in their home stadium. What did you come in here tonight wanting to do against this team that might not have looked that great, but could have given you guys an edge?
AR: We just wanted to play a complete game, all four quarters, and have a finishers' mentality, which I think we had today. It was a good win and really good for us looking forward.

Q. That touchdown, what did you see, running down the sidelines, what was going through your head there?
AR: I was just blocked perfectly. I don't know how long it was, but the receivers were 20-30 yards downfield blocking for me until I was right in the end zone. I can't ask for anything more than that. They make it easy for me to do what I do and I'm very appreciative of those guys.

Q. With these nonconference games, what did you learn about this team that maybe you didn't know going in?
AR: I would just say that today we played our most complete game, played all four quarters, and executed in all three facets of the game and really finished which is what our goal was for this week.

Tommy Stevens | QB | SOPHOMORE

Q. What is it like to be a guy that can be used any number of ways? We've seen you in all different kinds of situations, so what is it like to be a guy that can be used in three, four different ways?
TS: It's cool, I really enjoy my role. I'm really happy to be a part of this team and help out in any way I can. I'm happy with the tPhings that we've done as an offense and I'm looking forward to growing here in the future.

Q. After three weeks, what stands out to you most about this offense?
TS: I think we've been dominant upfront; I think upfront we've done a really good job. Credit to Coach Limegrover, the offensive line showing up every day, and I think they've done a really good job. A lot of experience at the wide out position and the tight end position. We've got a lot of really good athletes, and the running back position speaks for itself. I think we've come together as an offense and we're doing some really good things and I'm excited. Like I said, keep working and keep getting better.

Q. From the quarterback's prospective how did your new starting guard Will Fries look in live game action?
TS: I thought Will did a really good job with his first start. A young guy, unexperienced, but I trust in Will, the guys trust in Will and we all thought he did a really good job. He's brought it since he got here, he's worked really hard, and I'm very excited to see what his future holds.

Q. Seeing Billy [Fessler] out there getting some playing action today, what was it like from a quarterback prospective to see all the versatility?
TS: It was awesome. I'm glad, especially with a play where I had to come out when my helmet got knocked off, Billy was able to come in and read the defensive end and throw the ball to John Holland for his first career catch. A lot of good on that play, I wasn't exactly thrilled to be coming out of the game, but if there was one person I had to give a play to I was glad it was Billy Fessler.