Postgame Quotes vs. Cedarville (Oct. 29, 2017)

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Penn State Women's BasketballPostgame Quotes vs. Cedarville (Exhib.)Oct. 29, 2017

Coquese Washington
Penn State Head Coach

Q: Jaida Travascio-Green had had a lot of minutes today, she had 30 minutes, is that something to expect in the future?
CW: Yeah, she's a starter, she's played a lot of minutes and is a very steady performer for us. She'll be on the floor a lot for us.

Q: Anything on the Amari Carter injury, seemed as though she hurt her hand?
CW: I haven't spoken with the doctor, so I'm not sure what the status of Amari is.

Q: Seemed as though sometimes your defensive communication was off, screen and roll defense was a little off, anything getting back on defense, anything like that?
CW: I just think a lot of it was communication. When you have so many young players out there, first game, a lot of nerves, a lot of hesitation, a lot of uncertainty and that led to really quiet defense. Quiet defense isn't the best defense. We'll learn from a lot of things.

Q: Did anything Cedarville threw at you today surprise you?
CW: It's their first game. You don't know what they are going to change from last year. There were some things that they did that were new, to them this year. Some things we were familiar with. That's kind of the first game.

Q: You said a big focus of yours was to play a little faster, play with speed. However, today it seemed as though your team was a little frazzled in transition, some turnovers, anything that you want to fix there?
CW: Absolutely. I think, we have to have a little bit better decision making in transition. We are playing with a lot of freshmen and sophomores out there, just figuring out how to do that in game situations, as opposed to practice.