
Nittany Lions Ready for NCAA Championships

UNIVERSITYPARK, Pa. - Just a single day separates Penn State track and field from thestart of its NCAA outdoor championships campaign in Eugene, Oregon. For 12Nittany Lions, it's one final chance to close out their outdoor season on the grandeststage, surrounded by passionate support at the historic venue. 

ForPenn State head coach John Gondak, preparing to compete at the NCAA Championshipsis way more than simply physical training.

"It'smore of the mental challenge of believing that you can compete with the best ofthe best and believing in yourself and stepping up into your competition withthe right mindset that you're ready to go," Gondak said.

Guidedby the experience of a mostly veteran group, the cross-country trip also marksthe impending end of a few Penn State careers. Instead of dwelling on thebittersweet feeling though, it's all about settling into the right mindset -something Gondak noted he and the staff having truly been working on with theteam. 

Freshoff a successful performance at the NCAA East Regionals, the Nittany Lions saweverything from nail-biting qualifications and monsoon-like conditions. 

"Forthe most part, it was just kind of a constant drizzle and some wind," Gondaksaid. "There were periods of time where it was just a monsoon. That's the typeof weather you get in Eugene, it just kind of blows in and pours on you for afew minutes and moves on. We don't really practice for that, it's just kind ofthings you gain from experience and it will help us be prepared next time if weface those type of conditions again."

Momentsafter one of those fresh pours, sophomore Danae Rivers took off in the secondheat of the qualifying women's 1,500 meter run. Clocking the second fastesttime of her career (4:11.75), Rivers earned her second career trip to Eugeneand first in the event. 

"Ifelt really good in that race," Rivers said. "I knew that the national championfrom the mile was also in that race so it was just stick with her and it waskind of interesting to see - it was like a set up race for what's to come atnationals. Just running that pace and riding it out, it honestly felt reallygood. It prepares me for the semifinals and the finals, just getting to thenext round and mentally staying involved and having the passion for it." 

Witha year experience, Rivers noted her preparation for the task of two 1,500-meterraces in essentially three days is right where it needs to be compared to herfirst experience in Eugene   last year. 

"Iran the 800 last year so there was a lot of competition," Rivers said. "Comingfrom high school to college, everybody is on the same playing field so it was agood experience. At that time last year, I was a little drained fromtransitioning from high school to college, but this year I feel like I'm moreprepared and I've had cross country under my belt and I know what's going tohappen."

Onthe more nail-biting side of things, Penn State's men's 4x100-meter relay teamfeaturing  freshman Will Henderson, juniorAnton Porter, senior Xavier Smith and senior Malik Moffett, waited inanticipation to eventually find out they would qualify for the NCAAChampionships by the slimmest of margins.

"Wesaw the second heat and no teams were faster than us, so we figured we would bealright because we didn't think that six teams out of the next heat were goingto make it," Smith said. "Times kept popping up, one by one and it kept gettingcloser and closer and then when we saw that sixth time and we knew that we werein. With everything at the same time, a whole bunch of emotions hit us."

It'sthe third trip to the NCAA Championships for Smith, who looks toward finishinghis career in the Blue and White with a strong performance.

"It'sjust going out there and running fearless," Smith said. "When you go out therewith a full crowd, especially at nationals, it can get kind of intimidating.Being there my third time, I know that, so it's going out there and runningfearless and doing what you can do."

Fora few Nittany Lions, this week also marks a final chance to face some unfinishedbusiness.

That'sexactly the way senior captain Megan McCloskey describes her first trip to theNCAA Championships in her final season. 

"Ifelt like I had unfinished business the last few years and that made it reallyhard to end the season," McCloskey said. "After qualifying for Eugene this pastmeet, it was one of those things where I could just breathe and feel like okay,I did what I was supposed to do and I'm where I'm supposed to be. I think it'sjust going to be soaking it all in and appreciating what this journey has beenand getting to have one final trip with the team."

Finishingoutside the top 12 at last year's NCAA East Preliminary, McCloskey watched the12 other student-athletes celebrate their upcoming trip the NCAA Championships.That wasn't the case this year though, as McCloskey recorded a season-bestheight of 5-10.75, before finding out just moments later she had made the cut.

"Itwas one of those moments that actually felt a little bit like a dream because Ihad seen it the last two years and I was on the other side of it and kind ofbummed out," McCloskey said. "I got to watch those girls feel really excitedand happy, and then I was one of them."

Junior Isaiah Harris also finds himself more motivated than ever this year,having finished as the NCAA runner up in the men's 800-meters last year. 

"Ithink he can contend for a national title," Gondak said when asked about his expectationsfor Harris. "Unfortunately he's up against the number one ranked 800 meterrunner in the world right now so it will be a challenge but Isaiah is a gamerand he fights to the very end. He's going to give it his very best and we'llsee if we can come away with a national championship." 

It'sa simple formula for Harris, who notes, when it comes down to it anyone can winin a race, it all depends on who shows up to take it.

"Lastyear I wanted to win and I really thought I could win but this year it's like Ineed to win," Harris said. "I want to win so bad so I guess my drive internallyis a little bit higher than it was last year." 

Hardlychanging much in the span of year, Harris relies on the trust of his trainingand training partners, knowing that his head coach has just the right plan toget him peaking at just the right time.

"Everyday in practice, we have a really good group of guys who I train with all thetime," Harris said. "We all push each other and we all are a little competitivesometimes. Someone will run a rep a little faster to challenge everyone else,so we really just work together to make each other great and it pays off in theend." 

Regardlessof individual performances though, if there's anything each Nittany Lion canagree on, it's the incredible atmosphere at Hayward Field - a place where seeminglyanything is possible with a bit of a boost from the support.

"It'shard not to step it up when you get out there because it's such a greatatmosphere," Harris said. "There's so many fans and you just have theadrenaline and everyone ends up performing amazing. You see it every year,something big always ends up happening. It's a great atmosphere."