Meet the Freshmen: Kelli Beiler

July 25, 2018

With the 2018 Penn State women's soccer season approaching, GoPSUsports.com is asking each member of the 2018 signing class a few questions in order to get to know them better. We are continuing the series with midfielder Kelli Beiler.

A native of Mount Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania, Beiler attended Midd-West High School and played club soccer for North Union United. While at Penn State, Beiler plans to major in biobehavioral health.

GoPSU: You were a part of the team's trip to Nicaragua this past March, what did you take away from your time there?

KB: Wow, there are so many things that I can put down to answer this! My time in Nicaragua really opened my eyes to how blessed I am to be able to play the sport I love while being surrounded by such an incredible team. It was amazing to see the team in an environment other than Penn State and to get to know some of the players on a more personal level.

Additionally, the pure joy that was shown through all of the children of Nicaragua, during something as simple as a game of tag, really encouraged and challenged me. I believe that God is already doing incredible things in Nicaragua and is going to continue to do so. I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend time there and experience just a small piece of it all.

GoPSU: Being an early enrollee at Penn State, how has that helped you with your transition to college?

KB: Getting a semester in before the actual season starts has been HUGE. It allowed me to get a feel for the campus, adjust to the college workload, build relationships within the team, and realize what I need to work on during the summer to be ready to meet the PSU women's soccer standard in the fall. Honestly, it was just an all-around awesome experience!

GoPSU: You plan to major in biobehavioral health, why did you pick that major?

KB: I feel called to be a doctor. The biobehavorial health major is a more holistic approach to studying health as an undergraduate student, while still allowing me to fulfill all of my medical school pre-reqs. Honestly, just like most people reading this, I had no idea what this major entailed until my sister convinced me it was the best fit for me. After just one semester of BBH courses, I can tell I made the right choice.

GoPSU: When did you know that you were going to attend Penn State?

KB: For academic reasons, attending PSU has always been a dream of mine. When I was given the opportunity to also play the sport I love here, I couldn't say no. Plus, the coaching staff made me feel so welcomed and respected throughout the entire process. I really appreciated the time the took to get to know me as a person, and not just a soccer player. So basically as soon as they told me I had a spot on the team, I was in!

GoPSU: What is one thing fans should know about Kelli Beiler?

KB: If I could play any sport in college (in addition to soccer of course), it would be spike ball.