Meet the Freshmen: Caitlin Haislip

July 31, 2018

With the 2018 Penn State women's soccer season approaching, GoPSUsports.com is asking each member of the 2018 signing class a few questions in order to get to know them better. We are continuing the series with defender Caitlin Haislip.

A native of Munster, Indiana, Haislip attended Andrean High School and played club soccer for Eclipse Select. While at Penn State, Haislip plans to major in premedicine.

GoPSU: How has growing up with five siblings impacted your life as both a person and an athlete?

CH: Growing up in a large family definitely has its pros and cons. But all in all, I wouldn't change a thing. As most girl athletes do, I had a tomboy stage and I believe that within this stage, I developed my more competitive and athletic side. Having two older brothers and a twin brother allowed me to always have someone to play with. From basketball to football to soccer to lacrosse to hockey, name a sport, we tried it.

On the other side of things, my two little sisters were the ones who impacted my more personal and emotional side. My sisters have extremely big hearts and growing up with them has allowed me to become more like them.

More compassionate, more loving, and more genuine. My siblings and I are extremely fortunate to have the parents we do. Both my mom and dad have supported each one of us in everything we do. I would not trade my family for anything in this world, each and every one of them have been and continue to be blessings in my life.

GoPSU: Who has impacted your soccer career the most?

CH: I began playing soccer at the age of six and since day one my mom has been by my side. From driving me to every practice from age six to sixteen, she has continuously sacrificed her time and money to benefit me (while also doing the same for her five other kids). My mom is my best friend, my biggest supporter, and my inspiration all in one. Without her, the opportunity to attend Penn State and further both my academic and athletic careers wouldn't be possible.

GoPSU: You plan to major in premedicine, why did you pick that major?

CH: I chose to study premedicine because ever since I was a little girl I loved the idea of helping people. The ultimate goal is be able to make a difference in not only an individual's life but also to impact the lives of the loved ones that surround them. Studying premedicine gives me the opportunity to pursue that goal and hopefully one day achieve it.

GoPSU: When did you know that you were going to attend Penn State?

CH: I knew that I was going attend Penn State directly after my unofficial visit. From the moment I stepped on campus, Happy Valley felt like home and from the time I have already spent here on campus this summer, that feeling has only become stronger. It's surreal to me that the time has already come but I am thrilled to begin this next chapter of my life.

GoPSU: What is one thing fans should know about Caitlin Haislip?

CH: One thing fans should know about me is that I am extremely superstitious. I have to put everything on my right foot before my left. Right sock, right shoe, etc. I also have the same stretching routine I do almost every day and as expected, that routine has to be done in the same order every time.