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Penn State vs George Mason (Apr 07, 2018)

  Volleyball Box Score  

Volleyball Box Score
The Automated ScoreBook
Penn State vs George Mason
(Apr 07, 2018 at Fairfax, Va.)

Penn State   ATTACK   SET   SERVE   SRV   DEF   BLOCK   GEN  
##   Player   SP   K   E   TA   PCT   A   SA   SE   RE   DIG   BS   BA   BE   BHE   Points  
4  Braswell, Luke  5  2  0  3  .667  37  0  0  0  7  1  2  1  1  4.0  
8  Donorovich, Jason  5  4  4  11  .000  0  0  2  0  0  2  8  0  0  10.0  
12  Gear, Kevin  5  6  2  12  .333  0  1  0  0  0  0  2  0  0  8.0  
13  McLaren, Matthew  5  11  8  26  .115  1  2  2  0  5  0  3  0  0  14.5  
14  Penrose, Jalen  5  9  15  31  -.194  0  7  5  0  3  1  4  0  0  19.0  
15  Albrecht, Aidan  5  9  5  19  .211  0  2  4  2  10  0  2  0  0  12.0  
9  Smith, Lee  5  0  0  0  .000  1  0  0  1  7  0  0  0  0  0.0  
18  Mackiewicz, Kyle  5  0  0  0  .000  0  1  2  0  2  0  0  0  0  1.0  
   TEAM                                  1                              
 Totals  5  41  34  102  .069  39  13  15  4  34  4  21  1  1  68.5  
Set   K   E   TA   Pct  
1  12  5  18  .389  
2  8  8  25  .000  
3  8  8  23  .000  
4  6  8  20  -.100  
5  7  5  16  .125  
SET SCORES   1   2   3   4   5   TEAM RECORDS  
Penn State  (3)  25  19  25  21  15      14-9 (9-3)  
George Mason  (2)  17  25  21  25  12      15-11 (11-1)  
George Mason   ATTACK   SET   SERVE   SRV   DEF   BLOCK   GEN  
##   Player   SP   K   E   TA   PCT   A   SA   SE   RE   DIG   BS   BA   BE   BHE   Points  
3  BARNES, Kyle  5  12  8  30  .133  2  0  4  2  2  0  0  0  0  12.0  
9  WAGNER, Hayden  5  10  10  38  .000  0  2  5  0  6  1  6  1  0  16.0  
11  MALIAS, Christian  5  11  6  24  .208  2  0  3  3  3  0  3  0  0  12.5  
14  NEGRON, Brian  5  4  0  5  .800  36  1  7  0  5  1  0  0  0  6.0  
18  REESE, Jack  5  5  0  7  .714  0  0  2  0  1  0  6  0  0  8.0  
22  GATLING, Bryce  5  2  2  4  .000  0  0  3  0  1  2  3  1  0  5.5  
6  GREENSLADE, Sam  1  1  0  1  1.000  0  1  0  4  0  0  0  0  0  2.0  
13  GOMEZ, Johnny  5  0  0  0  .000  2  0  0  3  6  0  0  0  0  0.0  
19  COLEMAN, Justin  4  0  0  0  .000  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0.0  
   TEAM                                  1                              
 Totals  5  45  26  109  .174  42  4  24  13  25  4  18  2  0  62.0  
Set   K   E   TA   Pct  
1  7  5  22  .091  
2  11  3  24  .333  
3  9  4  20  .250  
4  13  8  25  .200  
5  5  6  18  -.056  
     Site: Fairfax, Va. (RAC Gym)
Date: Apr 07, 2018 Attend: 1550 Time: 137 min
Referees: Steven Covert, Chad Zimmerman
Line judges: Stacey Younker, Don Wu
   1  2  3  4  5  Total  
Tie scores  8  6  5  9  7  35  
Lead changes  0  2  2  4  4  12  

  Play-by-Play Summary  

Play-by-Play Summary
The Automated ScoreBook
Penn State vs George Mason
(Apr 07, 2018 at Fairfax, Va.)

1st Set

For PSU: Braswell, Luke; Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew; Albrecht, Aidan; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; libero Smith, Lee.
For MASON: BARNES, Kyle; WAGNER, Hayden; MALIAS, Christian; NEGRON, Brian; REESE, Jack; GATLING, Bryce; libero GOMEZ, Johnny.
0-1Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden.
0-2Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (TEAM).
1-2Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Service error.so
2-2Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Kill by REESE, Jack.
2-3Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
2-4Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).
3-4Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Service error.so
4-4Point MASON - (MALIAS, Christian) Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan (block by WAGNER, Hayden; REESE, Jack).
4-5Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Service error.so
5-5Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
5-6Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
6-6Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
6-7Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service error.so
7-7Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service error.so
7-8Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
8-8Point MASON - (Gear, Kevin) Kill by GATLING, Bryce (from NEGRON, Brian).so
8-9Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
8-10Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle (block by Penrose, Jalen).
8-11Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).
9-11Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Service error.so
9-12Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
10-12Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by REESE, Jack (from NEGRON, Brian).so
10-13Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke), block error by WAGNER, Hayden.so
11-13Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
12-13Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.
12-14Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Kill by Braswell, Luke (from McLaren, Matthew).so
13-14Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
14-14Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service ace (Smith, Lee).
14-15Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
15-15Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by NEGRON, Brian).so
15-16Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Service error.so
For PSU: Mackiewicz, Kyle; Gear, Kevin.
15-17Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden (block by Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew).
16-17Point MASON - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
For PSU: Gear, Kevin; Mackiewicz, Kyle.
16-18Point PSU - (COLEMAN, Justin) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
16-19Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden.
16-20Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (BARNES, Kyle).
16-21Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by Braswell, Luke.
17-21Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
17-22Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
17-23Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Service ace (GOMEZ, Johnny).
17-24Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).
17-25Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian (block by Donorovich, Jason; Albrecht, Aidan).

2nd Set

For MASON: GATLING, Bryce; BARNES, Kyle; WAGNER, Hayden; NEGRON, Brian; MALIAS, Christian; REESE, Jack; libero GOMEZ, Johnny.
For PSU: Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew; Penrose, Jalen; Braswell, Luke; Albrecht, Aidan; Gear, Kevin; libero Smith, Lee.
1-0Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew.
1-1Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Service error.so
1-2Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (MALIAS, Christian).
1-3Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian.
1-4Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).
1-5Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by GATLING, Bryce (block by Donorovich, Jason).
Timeout George Mason.
2-5Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
3-5Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service ace (TEAM).
4-5Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).
4-6Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by Donorovich, Jason (from Braswell, Luke).so
5-6Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
5-7Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
6-7Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Service error.so
6-8Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
7-8Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
7-9Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
8-9Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan.so
8-10Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Service error.so
9-10Point MASON - (Gear, Kevin) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew (block by WAGNER, Hayden; REESE, Jack).so
10-10Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.
10-11Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
11-11Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
11-12Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service error.so
12-12Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
12-13Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Donorovich, Jason (from Braswell, Luke).so
13-13Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
14-13Point MASON - (GATLING, Bryce) Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan.
Timeout Penn State.
14-14Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Service error.so
15-14Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
16-14Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew.
17-14Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan).
Timeout Penn State.
17-15Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
18-15Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service error.so
19-15Point MASON - (MALIAS, Christian) Ball handling error by Braswell, Luke.
19-16Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
For PSU: Mackiewicz, Kyle; Gear, Kevin.
20-16Point MASON - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Service error.so
For PSU: Gear, Kevin; Mackiewicz, Kyle.
21-16Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew (block by WAGNER, Hayden).
22-16Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from MALIAS, Christian).
22-17Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden (block by McLaren, Matthew; Donorovich, Jason).so
23-17Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
23-18Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service error.so
24-18Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
24-19Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Service error.so
25-19Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by NEGRON, Brian (from MALIAS, Christian).so

3rd Set

For MASON: GATLING, Bryce; BARNES, Kyle; WAGNER, Hayden; NEGRON, Brian; MALIAS, Christian; REESE, Jack; libero GOMEZ, Johnny.
For PSU: Braswell, Luke; Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew; Albrecht, Aidan; Gear, Kevin; Penrose, Jalen; libero Smith, Lee.
0-1Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (BARNES, Kyle).
1-1Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian), block error by Braswell, Luke.so
1-2Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle (block by Braswell, Luke).so
2-2Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
2-3Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
2-4Point PSU - (Donorovich, Jason) Bad set by BARNES, Kyle.
2-5Point PSU - (Donorovich, Jason) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian.
3-5Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
3-6Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Service error.so
3-7Point PSU - (Braswell, Luke) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian.
4-7Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by REESE, Jack (from NEGRON, Brian).so
5-7Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by Gear, Kevin.
5-8Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
5-9Point PSU - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service ace (MALIAS, Christian).
6-9Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service error.so
6-10Point PSU - (GREENSLADE, Sam) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
6-11Point PSU - (Gear, Kevin) Service ace (GREENSLADE, Sam).
Timeout George Mason.
7-11Point MASON - (Gear, Kevin) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
8-11Point MASON - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by Donorovich, Jason (block by GATLING, Bryce).
8-12Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Service error.so
9-12Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by Donorovich, Jason.so
10-12Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.
10-13Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service error.so
11-13Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
11-14Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
12-14Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
12-15Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
13-15Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by REESE, Jack (from NEGRON, Brian).so
14-15Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by WAGNER, Hayden; REESE, Jack).
Timeout Penn State.
15-15Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from BARNES, Kyle).
15-16Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
16-16Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Kill by GREENSLADE, Sam (from NEGRON, Brian).so
17-16Point MASON - (GREENSLADE, Sam) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew (block by REESE, Jack; WAGNER, Hayden).
18-16Point MASON - (GREENSLADE, Sam) Service ace (Albrecht, Aidan).
Timeout Penn State.
19-16Point MASON - (GREENSLADE, Sam) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew.
19-17Point PSU - (GREENSLADE, Sam) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Smith, Lee).so
For PSU: Mackiewicz, Kyle; Gear, Kevin.
19-18Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle.
20-18Point MASON - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Service error.so
For MASON: COLEMAN, Justin; REESE, Jack.
20-19Point PSU - (COLEMAN, Justin) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
For MASON: REESE, Jack; COLEMAN, Justin.
20-20Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (GREENSLADE, Sam).
20-21Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (GREENSLADE, Sam).
Timeout George Mason.
20-22Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke), block error by GATLING, Bryce.
20-23Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Service ace (GOMEZ, Johnny).
21-23Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Service error.so
21-24Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
21-25Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Service ace (GREENSLADE, Sam).

4th Set

==================== ==================== GEORGE MASON 2, PENN STATE 3 ====================

For PSU: Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew; Penrose, Jalen; Braswell, Luke; Albrecht, Aidan; Gear, Kevin; libero Smith, Lee.
For MASON: NEGRON, Brian; GATLING, Bryce; BARNES, Kyle; MALIAS, Christian; REESE, Jack; WAGNER, Hayden; libero GOMEZ, Johnny.
1-0Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by Donorovich, Jason (block by GATLING, Bryce).
1-1Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Service error.so
2-1Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Service error.so
2-2Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Service error.so
3-2Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Service error.so
3-3Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Service error.so
4-3Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
4-4Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
5-4Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
5-5Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
5-6Point PSU - (Albrecht, Aidan) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle.
6-6Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
6-7Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
7-7Point MASON - (Gear, Kevin) Kill by GATLING, Bryce (from NEGRON, Brian).so
8-7Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan.
9-7Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).
10-7Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.
10-8Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden.so
11-8Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from NEGRON, Brian).so
11-9Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by McLaren, Matthew (from Braswell, Luke).so
11-10Point PSU - (McLaren, Matthew) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden.
12-10Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
12-11Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
13-11Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by NEGRON, Brian (from BARNES, Kyle).so
13-12Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
14-12Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by REESE, Jack (from NEGRON, Brian).so
15-12Point MASON - (MALIAS, Christian) Kill by WAGNER, Hayden (from GOMEZ, Johnny).
Timeout Penn State.
15-13Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Service error.so
15-14Point PSU - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service ace (GOMEZ, Johnny).
16-14Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Service error.so
16-15Point PSU - (REESE, Jack) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle.so
For PSU: Mackiewicz, Kyle; Gear, Kevin.
16-16Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle (block by Donorovich, Jason; Penrose, Jalen).
16-17Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Service ace (MALIAS, Christian).
17-17Point MASON - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew (block by WAGNER, Hayden; GATLING, Bryce).so
For PSU: Gear, Kevin; Mackiewicz, Kyle.
18-17Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).
19-17Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by BARNES, Kyle.
Timeout Penn State.
20-17Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by McLaren, Matthew.
20-18Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle (block by Penrose, Jalen; Donorovich, Jason).so
21-18Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Service error.so
21-19Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
22-19Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
23-19Point MASON - (COLEMAN, Justin) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.
23-20Point PSU - (COLEMAN, Justin) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden (block by Albrecht, Aidan; Donorovich, Jason; Braswell, Luke).so
23-21Point PSU - (Donorovich, Jason) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden.
24-21Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
25-21Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by MALIAS, Christian; REESE, Jack).

5th Set

==================== ==================== GEORGE MASON 2, PENN STATE 3 ====================

For MASON: NEGRON, Brian; GATLING, Bryce; BARNES, Kyle; MALIAS, Christian; REESE, Jack; WAGNER, Hayden; libero GOMEZ, Johnny.
For PSU: Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew; Penrose, Jalen; Braswell, Luke; Albrecht, Aidan; Gear, Kevin; libero Smith, Lee.
0-1Point PSU - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by Donorovich, Jason (from Braswell, Luke).so
1-1Point MASON - (Penrose, Jalen) Kill by NEGRON, Brian (from GOMEZ, Johnny).so
2-1Point MASON - (BARNES, Kyle) Attack error by Donorovich, Jason (block by GATLING, Bryce; MALIAS, Christian).
2-2Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Kill by Donorovich, Jason (from Braswell, Luke).so
3-2Point MASON - (McLaren, Matthew) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
3-3Point PSU - (GATLING, Bryce) Kill by Albrecht, Aidan (from Braswell, Luke).so
3-4Point PSU - (Donorovich, Jason) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian (block by Braswell, Luke; Gear, Kevin).
4-4Point MASON - (Donorovich, Jason) Service error.so
5-4Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by Albrecht, Aidan.
6-4Point MASON - (NEGRON, Brian) Attack error by Gear, Kevin (block by WAGNER, Hayden; REESE, Jack).
Timeout Penn State.
6-5Point PSU - (NEGRON, Brian) Service error.so
6-6Point PSU - (Braswell, Luke) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden (block by Penrose, Jalen; Gear, Kevin).
7-6Point MASON - (Braswell, Luke) Kill by MALIAS, Christian (from NEGRON, Brian).so
7-7Point PSU - (MALIAS, Christian) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).so
7-8Point PSU - (Albrecht, Aidan) Kill by McLaren, Matthew.
8-8Point MASON - (Albrecht, Aidan) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen.so
For MASON: COLEMAN, Justin; REESE, Jack.
8-9Point PSU - (COLEMAN, Justin) Kill by Gear, Kevin (from Braswell, Luke).so
For MASON: COLEMAN, Justin; REESE, Jack.
For PSU: Mackiewicz, Kyle; Gear, Kevin.
8-10Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by BARNES, Kyle (block by Penrose, Jalen; Donorovich, Jason).
Timeout George Mason.
8-11Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by GATLING, Bryce (block by Donorovich, Jason).
8-12Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Kill by Penrose, Jalen (from Braswell, Luke).
8-13Point PSU - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Attack error by WAGNER, Hayden (block by Donorovich, Jason; McLaren, Matthew).
9-13Point MASON - (Mackiewicz, Kyle) Kill by BARNES, Kyle (from NEGRON, Brian).so
For PSU: Gear, Kevin; Mackiewicz, Kyle.
10-13Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Bad set by Braswell, Luke.
Timeout Penn State.
11-13Point MASON - (WAGNER, Hayden) Kill by NEGRON, Brian.
11-14Point PSU - (Penrose, Jalen) Attack error by MALIAS, Christian.
12-14Point MASON - (BARNES, Kyle) Attack error by Penrose, Jalen (block by GATLING, Bryce; MALIAS, Christian).
12-15Point PSU - (BARNES, Kyle) Service error.so