Lady Lions in Spain: Day 6

Aug. 15, 2018

The Penn State Women's Basketball Team is in Spain from Aug. 9-18 and each day a different Lady Lion student-athlete or coach will be taking fans behind the scenes of what the team experienced that day. We continue with freshman Bexley Wallace.


Lady Lions Travel Blog
Day 6 â€" Cambrils and Barcelona
August 15, 2018
By: Bexley Wallace

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Hola! I'm Bexley Wallace, a freshman from Columbus, Ohio. Today we packed up our stuff and headed out of Valencia. We drove for about an hour or two until we arrived at a little beach town on the east coast of Spain called Cambrils.

This is where we all piled onto a catamaran and set off for our three-hour cruise. On board people were all over the place, but I ended up spending most of my time towards the front listening to music and talking with some of my teammates. Meanwhile on the other parts of the boat, people were playing cards, dancing and enjoying the barbecue the cruise provided for us.

About an hour in to our cruise we stopped in the middle of the sea and people started jumping into the water. In waves people started diving into the water one after another and in large groups. It was like one of those scenes they show in movies, and it was the most fun I have had all trip! We swam for an hour and a half and then went back to tanning and our other activities for the rest of our journey on the water.

After the boating experience we somehow ended up on the beach playing basketball with two natives before loading onto the bus for the rest of our ride. We've just arrived in Barcelona and shortly we'll head out for dinner before catching a flamenco show later tonight!

- Bexley Wallace