QUOTES: Penn State Offensive Student-Athletes - Kent State

Penn State Football
Offensive Student-Athlete Quotes
vs. Kent State – September 15, 2018
  Mark Allen | RB | Gr./Sr.
Q: Do you feel better about the good the things or worse about the things you want to correct as a team?
A: If you go back and make the corrections there are obviously things that we feel like we can correct and the coaches do a great job of making the game corrections. We as players go through the game corrections and that gets us ready for the next week.
Q: Do you guys have a sense of how good you are? Because there are all these points and all these yards and there are other things that make you go, "We can't do this against other teams", how do you balance and figure out how good you are as a team?
A: It's all about self-belief. We all believe in ourselves as a team and we know what we can do. We've put in all the time over the summer, summer workouts, winter workouts, spring ball, we know what we can do. It all depends on us.
Q: Are you guys getting more comfortable with the flow of how you guys are rotating running backs in and out?
A: Yeah, I mean I feel like Coach Seider's doing a good job, as well as the coaching staff doing a good job with the rotation. We have come in and stay at the same level of play as the first back or the back in before and the rotation has been going well
Q: How's it feel, yourself, to get a crack at it? You've had playing time throughout your career but really being able to step up this year?
A: It felt good. The O-Line basically, they did their job so thank the men up front, they did their job and I just took advantage of every carry I got, every opportunity I got to follow behind those guys. I mean, I'm 5'6" you can't really see me behind those people.
Ryan Bates | OL | Sr./Jr.
Q: How do you think Miles has done this year so far?
A: Miles has done an unbelievable job this year, this only being his third game. We expect a lot from him, I say "we" I mean the offensive line. We work out butts off up front just for that dude back there, all the running backs, not just him. We have high expectations for him. He sat behind Saquon [Barkley] for a year or so and all you heard about was Saquon, but [Miles] is his own back and his own person. He is going to play how Miles plays.
Q: What about the short week? You guys really have not gone through this before.
A: No we really haven't. This is the first Friday game ever for me personally. Monday is going to be a practice day and we usually have Mondays off. It is going to be a quick turn around and we will need to get things going and hydrate throughout the week to beat Illinois.
Q: When you have that quick turn around and are trying to get all that soreness out and trying to let your body heal, is it going to be tough this week?
A: Absolutely. We have one less day and when you have one less day to try and rest your body you know it will affect you a little bit, but we try not to let it affect us or how we go about things throughout the week. It is important to take care of our bodies and stay hydrated. Like I said, hopefully we will be prepared for a big Friday, which I most certainly think that we will be.

KJ Hamler | WR | So./Fr.
Q: Describe the potential that your offense may have but what we haven't seen yet?
A: We still have a lot of more electrifying players. The young guys are really stepping up and I think you all saw that today. Just giving them a chance out here today and getting to ball out is good experience for them. They get a taste of college football.
Q: What was it like getting some reps in the punt return today?
A: It was fun. There was no nervousness. We work on that in practice but I was just mad that I got tackled by the kicker.
Q: What have you learned from DeAndre {Thompkins} not just as a receiver but as a punt return man?
A: Just to secure the catch first. Most of the time I like to catch it on the go and I end up dropping it in practice. Working on my hands and how to catch the ball, he's really been a big impact for that one.
Q: What kind of play do you prefer? Making a big play on a return or catching a touchdown pass while running?
A: Anytime I get the ball in my hands it's exciting. Every time I touch the ball I think touchdown. That's how I was raised and how it's always been for me my whole life. It doesn't matter to me if its punt return or kick return. If I get into the end zone, it's cool.
Trace McSorley | QB | Gr./Sr.
Q: What is going through your head when your touchdowns are called back from penalties on your offensive line?
A: It's just about going to the next play. At that point there is really nothing you can do about it. You obviously want to get those cleaned up and be able to watch some film and continue to get better. That's something that has kind of played us these past two weeks and has taken back big plays. In the moment, it's just moving on to the next play because there is nothing that you can do about it.
Q: As a QB do you feel the responsibility to address the penalties from you teammates and what is your approach when commanding that offense.
A: Yeah that's a big part of it. A lot of the times if there is a hold up front or something it's just about talking to that guy and being like 'Hey let's just move on to the next one'. It's about making sure they're not letting that affect them too much. So talking to the guy about whatever happen and not letting that affect us but at the same time letting everyone know that we have to play clean at that point.
Q: Was there an extended effort to get DeAndre [Thompkins] and Juwan [Johnson] more involved in the game today?
A: Obviously we wanted to get those guys playing really fast and get them going but we're extremely confident in what they can do. So I think that was a part of it. We felt like we had really good matchups on the off-sides today. We felt like we could throw the ball around that and make some plays. We were able to do that and get those guys going a little bit, just giving them that flow. Once you get those guys into a rhythm especially early and especially with those two guys. They feed off of that.
Q: Do you like where the team is at during these non-conference games?
A: I think we have been able to come in and get better each week and that's a big plus. We were able to get a lot of guys some reps today. A lot of young guys getting in there I think is a huge benefit for our team. But at the same time, I think there is a lot for us to work on and things we need to continue to get better on.
Miles Sanders | RB | Jr.
Q: What did you learn from today?
A: What I learned is we have a lot of players that we can put the ball in their hands and a lot of explosive players. That is what we have pride in on offense, to be very explosive and physical.
Q: How unique is it [to have this many explosive players] this year compared to the last two years?
A: It is great to have a lot of players that we can trust to have the ball in their hands that can make something happen anytime.
Q: What was it like for you as a more veteran guy to see some of these young kids get in for their first game? And not only to get in, but make an impact?
A: Seeing players like Daniel George getting his first touchdown and JT [Jonathan Thomas], I mean you got to thank the big boys up front, but seeing the young guys ball out, getting their chance, and shining, it's a blessing. It doesn't really hit you until you cross that goal line. You really don't know what else to do than just be excited.
Q: What does the speed of the wideouts and them getting vertical do for you?
A: It just opens up the whole defense because there are less guys in the box and you have to respect our air game too not only our run game. It just makes it easier running the ball.
DeAndre Thompkins | WR | Gr./Sr.
Q: Can you tell us about what has been going on back at home with your family and the storm hitting?
A: Yeah my mother got the chance to get out of the way. She got to D.C. and came to the game today. To have her here and not have to worry about her is a good benefit and weight off of my shoulders. I am just happy that she came up and got away from [the storm].
Q: You had a rough day last week, yet you came out today and laid out for that first ball like you meant you wanted to get back on the right track. Is that true or did you just react to the ball?
A: No, of course you react to the ball, but going into this game I had a mission and a mindset to prove to everyone and myself that I am still the best receiver in the country and just to capitalize on my opportunities because that is something that I unfortunately did not do last game. So it was just my mission to come in and prove to myself that I can make the big play and that I am the big play guy.
Q: How did you stay positive through the first two weeks in order to come here today and do what you had to do?
A: Just having confidence in myself as a player and as a man and having my teammates around me. That is a big part, guys always getting in my ear and letting me know that it was an unfortunate happening and to just have a short memory and come back and capitalize on the next [one]. Having guys around me, but also my confidence as a human being and a football player.