QUOTES: Penn State Offensive Student-Athletes - Appalachian State

­­Penn State Football
 Offensive Student-Athlete Quotes
vs. Appalachian State – September 1, 2018  
KJ Hamler | WR | So./Fr.
Q: Can you take me through your touchdown from start to finish?
A: To be honest, I saw that Appalachian State had one of their best corners, Clifton Duck, on me and I just used the techniques that our coaches have been teaching us throughout practice. I just had to win. That's how we play. We have that win mentality.
Q: Take us through your thought process on the return?
A: To be honest, there was no thinking. My friend [Johnathan Thomas] usually gives me the signal whether to go or not. He didn't give me any signal so I said "Alright, go." So, I just went and luckily it put us into good field position.
Q: Was there a point where you guys felt this game was getting away from you, especially during that fourth quarter?
A: We've been preparing for Appalachian State for a while now. They are a great team so we knew what to expect. We knew that they were a tough gritty team. We just had to go out there and execute. We knew it was going to be a tough battle but at the end of the day we came through.
Jonathan Holland | TE | Sr./Jr.
Q: What did you see from the sideline on Amani's [Oruwariye] pick?
A: I actually didn't know until a lot of the rest of the players started storming the field. I mean I knew that he broke up the pass so I was happy for him but then I saw him get up with the ball and we all realized. We took a couple of steps out just to make sure then we just ran out on the field and tackled him. It was an awesome end to the game.
Q:  What did you say to K.J. [Hamler] when he hesitated on the return then took the ball out for 50 yards?
A: I didn't think he was going to take it out. I know he was itching to take the ball out all game. He just started going so I started running as hard as I could trying to get a block. When the ball is in K.J. [Hamler]'s hands you know he's going to do something special with it. I'm just really happy and excited that he's finally out here playing and showing what he can really do.
Q:  Was Appalachian State better than you thought?
A: I don't think that we ever thought Appalachian State was a bad team. I think we give all of our opponents the credit that they earn and that they deserve. I think they were a really good team and a great defense. Their offense was great today too. I think that they had a good game today and played us well into the fourth quarter and into overtime. I give them all the credit in the world, they came out ready to play today.
Juwan Johnson | WR | Sr./RS-Jr.
Q: This was kind of a crazy game, talk about how it all unfolded for you guys?
A: We started off slow to be honest with you. We didn't get things clicking. We were just missing our marks. Came into the second quarter and third quarter and just sparked it up. We got ourselves together, got in a rhythm of how the game was and how they played. Watching film is obviously different then playing in the game. I glad we pulled ourselves together and were able to pull out the win.
Q: How does this game benefit you guys going forward?
A: It's going to help us to be resilient. This is something that we needed, it was a wake-up call. I'm glad we didn't lose in a wake-up call, that's something that I appreciate, but I'm glad we got this out of the way, glad we came out with the win moving on to next week.
Q: You heard, going in, the history and that they're not going to be afraid coming in. Does any of that creep into your mind as the game's going on and they're leading you guys?
A: Absolutely. I never wavered at all. The whole time I knew the guys we had were going to come up big. Guys like KJ [Hamler], DeAndre [Thompkins], [Brandon][ Polk, even myself, and Trace [McSorley]. Him just being that savvy guy, making plays we need to make. On fourth down, it kind of reminded me of Iowa, we called that hitch to Polk. It was like Déjà vu when Saeed [Blacknall] was supposed to be there. Polk made the play, he came down with it and ran for a couple yards and got down.
Trace McSorley | QB | Gr./Sr.
Q: Were you or any of your teammates nervous going out there in the second half?
A: I think it's just because I love to play football. I think that's the best thing about our team is that everyone just loves playing football and loves the game so no one goes out there nervous. We do a great job during the week. We focus hard on preparations Sunday through Friday so we can sleep like a baby on Friday knowing we have done everything and are not nervous. Knowing that you slept well and prepared as much as possible. For our team we prepare so hard during the week that when it gets down to crunch time that you're not nervous and are prepared for this opportunity.
Q: What did this kind of game say about the character of this team and having to fight till the end?
A: I think it's awesome having to fight through adversity early on in the season.  A lot of young guys had to step up and push through. It's really the first time they're seeing that adversity in a live action game. Being able to push through that adversity is now a great opportunity for us to use this as a platform and build on it. We're going to get better and better in the next coming weeks and use this as a spring for our team to improve. Having this adversity is a milestone for our team.
Q: How do you think Miles Sanders handled himself in his first start and did overall in today's game?
A: Miles handled himself really well, I think he had a good game. Obviously, we were able to see that our running back is able to make plays and be a smart push for our team. I think that is the biggest we saw from Miles. Maybe a little bit of times where our plans bounced and we tried to make too big of a play. But at the same time, that's who he is and you can't coach that. He did a great job especially down at the goal line. He made big runs and seeing the lanes open and taking it and going and doing what he does best. I think he did a great job and was really able to come in and answer some questions we all had.
Q: What was your impression on coming in today's game and did you anticipate this ending at all?
A: I think in college football anybody can beat anybody. It's all a matter of any given day if you're not ready to go or not covering the details, you could end up losing. Appalachian State is a great team and over the last couple of years they are probably one of the most winningest programs in all of college football. I mean look at what they've done. They're accustom to winning and that's what they do. They're a great team and they have great players over there. I guess good teams like that are accustomed to winning and know how to take advantage of mistakes. If you're not on top of all of your details, they can sometimes take advantage of that. They did a great job but as far as what we talked about college football, you have to come ready to play.
Michal Menet | OL | Jr./So.
Q: Describe your first experience starting as a center in today's game.
A: It wasn't perfect but we finished out the game and were fighting the whole time. It's really great to be around a bunch of veteran guys, it makes my job a little bit easier. From making line calls and actually changing up the defense made it very easy for me and was an easy transition to step in there and it was all based on the guys around me.
Q: Statistically you guys (OL) were better in the second half than you were on the first. What changed up front?
A: I think it was a mindset thing. In the second half we knew we needed to change our mindset a little bit. That is something we talk about all the time on the offensive line. It was just about getting back to our basic fundamentals and techniques and doing what we do.
Q: Did you guys feel like you were moving it more in the second half, especially in the running game?
A: Yeah I think so. I think that played a big part of our offense started to pick it up. We have guys making plays everywhere. It makes everyone's job a lot easier when we get everyone moving.
Q: How do you think the offensive line did as whole in the protection of the ball?
A: Like I said, it wasn't perfect but as whole I think we did really well. We were communicating well and every guy was where they were supposed to be. Obviously there is always room for improvement but I think we did a good job.
Q: Was Miles Sanders performance today surprising at all to you? How did he perform compared to practice?
A: Not surprising at all. Miles is an amazing running back and a great teammate. He can do everything and it wasn't surprising at all. I'm really happy for him.
Miles Sanders | RB | Jr./Jr.
Q: What did this mean to you personally to finally get your first start and have the game winning touchdown in overtime? Is this what you have been waiting for?
A: Of course this meant a lot. Yes I have been waiting for this since I got here, but again, I am just trying to do whatever I have to do to help my team to win.
Q: What did you see on the play in overtime?
A: It was a regular inside zone where I made one cut to go for the win.
Q: As you get closer to the goal line, what is going through your head? 
A: Score. I think that it is everyone's mentality; to score and get in the end zone.  
Q: Did you feel there was a good show of confidence from the coaches when they kept giving you the ball in overtime?
A: Yes. I also want to give thanks to the offensive line because they were blocking hard all game, especially when it counted. I also want to give kudos to the other running backs.
Q: Was there any point in the game where you got nervous?
A: No. Even though we are young, younger than last year, that was just us being a mature team. We knew that there was a great opponent across from us so we had to do everything we could to win.
Q: Does this kind of adversity in game one of the season help?
A: Of course. Not even for myself but for the whole team. Like I said again, this type of adversity was making us be way more mature than we usually are. Our whole defense is young, and we have a few new faces on offense so for us to be going into overtime for the first game and getting a win where it counts shows a lot for our team.