QUOTES: Penn State Offensive Student-Athletes - Michigan State

Penn State Football
Offensive Student-Athlete Quotes
vs. Michigan State – October 13, 2018  
KJ Hamler | WR | So./Fr.
Q: Is there a level of concern about the fact that you guys have not been able to finish in the fourth quarter, like the chance at the end, or is it just frustration? Can you describe what you guys are going through?
A: It's just the little things. We had little penalties that we shouldn't have had. We just have to know how to manage that. When we get a chance to be explosive on the field and be in the red zone, we have to score. We didn't really do what we were suppose to do this game. It is what it is. Michigan State is a good team.
Q: On the other end of that, those things are fixable. With still being so close, how do you guys come together?
A: We are a family. We've already come together. We love one another. Nothing is going to change about that. I love Coach Franklin to death. It's hard for us, but there's just little things we have to fix up. If it is studying more film, being in the playbook more, writing more notes, it's going to come easy once we put everything together and start figuring stuff out.
Q: What are you guys saying to each other in the locker room after your heart collapsing, a lot of tough games coming up, what was the message from the senior leaders in the locker room?
A: There weren't really any message today, it's just about how we love each other. Unconditional love, that's all that matters. We know there is going to be a lot of criticism from everyone outside of this locker room, outside of this stadium. I don't care what they say. I don't care what they say about me, I don't care what they say about the team, I don't care what they say about Coach Franklin, I love them to death. We just have to bounce back. We have a lot of football ahead of us.
Q: A lot of teams have thrown for a lot of yards against this secondary, did you feel like you were getting separation down field or was Trace [McSorley] just having trouble seeing because he was under pretty heavy rush?
A: We are always open, that's no problem for the receiving core. I'm not going to blame anything on Trace. He has a hard job, he's the captain of this offense, so whatever he sees he sees. I trust Trace. There was one play where I should have trusted Trace even more that I would have converted on a third down and it tipped my fingers. We just have to learn to trust each other and become one.
Trace McSorley | QB | Gr./Sr.
Q: Most everybody had thrown the ball against this team. Why did you guys have so much trouble doing that?
A: I wasn't accurate enough. That's first and foremost. I didn't execute right. I didn't do enough of a good job today to get the job done in the passing game. That's on me.
Q: As you're thinking about it now, is there any reason why, anything that comes to mind?
A: There's probably a couple different reasons, but I just didn't execute properly. I wasn't accurate enough and that's on me. That's all I have to say about that. I have to be better.
Q: Michigan State, I was just over there, and they said that they noticed that you like to step up in the pocket and they were spying you and then getting a guy in your face as much as possible. Did you notice that and if so, did it bother you?
A: I noticed they were doing that, but it didn't upset or bother me. That's just something that teams do against the quarterback that will step up and run. Ohio State did the same thing. It was just one of the things that when we got down to the point where we needed to make plays, I wasn't able to do it.

Michael Menet | OL | Jr./So.
Q: After two losses what do you think has to happen going forward with the leaders of this team to not let it spiral more?
A: I think we just need to really lock into our basic day one fundamentals and techniques, really hone in on the details. We just didn't do that consistently enough today. We had flashes where we looked really good as an offensive line, as an offense and then there were times when we didn't and it was just based on some of the basic details and techniques of our offense, so we really need to hone in on that.
Q: As a team, do you think you were mentally ready for this game?
A: Yes, I think we were. When we got into things, I don't know what happen. We relaxed on fundamentals and started to forget the little details it takes to win a football game. You have to give a lot of credit to Michigan State, they're a really good football team. We just didn't do enough to win the game.
Q: What do you do with that, when Coach Franklin tells you [he loves you guys unconditionally], where does that go, how do you put that toward a win next week?
A: Obviously when a guy cares about you that much it's easy to play for him, you know his heart is always in the right place. Even if he is getting on you about stuff, you know his heart is always in the right place and he is doing it because he really cares about us. It's easier to play for a guy like that rather than a guy who treats things like a business. He really focuses on trying to develop us. I feel like he really does love us and we love him, too. I think if anything this will make us come together as a team more and I'm excited for what we can do.
Q: What's your confidence level that everyone is going to come back tomorrow on the same page?
A: Honestly I feel like everyone left the locker room on the same page. Everybody is ready and willing to come in [and work]. Everyone just needs to look at themselves in the mirror and be very critical of themselves and I know we are all going to do that. We are all going to grow off this and I am excited to see where we go.
Miles Sanders | RB | Jr./Jr.
Q: Did you guys feel like you guys were going to come out of the bye week hitting on all cylinders? We heard it was the best practice of James Franklin's career here on Tuesday. Trace [McSorley] said that. So, does that make this even that much more difficult to deal with?
A: Yes, absolutely. Like I said, offensively, myself, we just didn't execute enough and I think that's what it was. Defense played hell of a game, special teams wise, but we all need to back each other up as a team effort.
Q: Miles, can you talk about the last time you guys had the ball. You had about a minute and a half to go. Did you guys discuss maybe throwing the ball? Did you know you would be running it three times and what were you guys talking about that last possession because you knew one first down could end the game?
A: Like I said, we really don't know the game plan, the plays really. We just know the mentality is to score or get a first down. We get the first down and the game is over. We burn a timeout and run the clock out and we just didn't do that.
Q: Can you put your finger on what was preventing you guys from executing? Was it just yourselves or Michigan State?
A: Just too many mistakes. That's a hell of a defense over there, but we made too many mistakes and we want to be the best offense in the nation, we have to do little stuff like that like putting the game away. That's it.
Q: Are you confident that's going to be successful. Are you confident that message is going to be heard by your younger teammates?
A: Of course. They see us doing it, why not, they have to do it. That's our standard. It starts tomorrow. Getting extra film, doesn't matter, just practicing. Our practice habits I think have to change. They say it was a good practice, but we have to be more intense in practice, step it up. Players, starters have to keep practicing. I'll be practicing every way if I have to and I'll have to speak up more if I have to.