QUOTES: Iowa Student-Athletes

Iowa Football
Student-Athlete Quotes
vs. Penn State – October, 27 2018  
Sam Brincks | DE | Sr./Sr.
Q: Were you guys going to try that fake in the beginning and then shift back to a normal formation?
A: No, I think just in the beginning we we're trying to get them out of there and I think we did that, and then we went for it on the second field goal attempt.
Q: How would you describe that play? Did you think it was coming to you?
A: Oh yeah we kind of did it by design. I just tried to execute it.
Q: What was it like trying to track and defend McSorley?
A: He's just a gamer. I mean he plays hard all the time.
Q: How big was the stop in the second half to at least give your offense a chance?
A: It was huge. There was a couple stops there in the fourth quarter that were huge and just put us in a position to go for it.
Parker Hesse| DE | Sr./Sr.
Q: Is it really frustrating when your coverage leaves a lot of open space for the taking?
A: Yeah I mean obviously anytime you face a decent quarterback that's a huge threat is everyone else is running away from him except you guys who are pressuring him, so it puts a lot of pressure on the guys up front. Obviously he's really good at that and knows what he's doing.
Q: What's the message in the locker room?
A: Obviously this one is going to sting and nobody feels good about it. Tomorrow, we're going to flush it and can't let it beat us twice. We have big games ahead of us and we have a lot to accomplish still. So tomorrow we're going to flush and start getting better as a team, and work towards Purdue.
Colton Rastetter | P | Jr./Jr.
Q: Can you walk us through Sam Brincks big play? 
A: Yeah we were sitting on the sidelines, wondering if we would get the good look here or there and coach called it, we walked out, he yelled shift, we shifted over and just were seeing the look they called out and saw our defense kind of calling people out and all the sudden we sent the play into motion. He got set and away the play went, so good call.
Q: You guys shifted and then went back to a field goal, was that one meant to see what they were doing? To see if you were going to try that play?
A: Not for that play no. That was just to take the pressure off our field goal unit to keep them on their toes in a way. It was more of a decoy.
Q: So that throw, have you practiced?
A: Yeah, I mean, we practiced a handful of times throughout multiple weeks. It was called and executed well, so we'll take it. 
Amani Hooker | DB | Jr./Jr.
Q: Do you ever feel like McSorley was covered?
A: I mean we did a good job today. We didn't give up many big plays. We gave up three or four which obviously lead to some points. Overall, I think the defensive line did a really good job at containing him, making sure he couldn't get out except for that really long run that he had.
Q: How about this defense? You have a lot of veterans on it.
A: We're good. We take this loss. We came out here and fought hard, we played hard as a defense and other teams. We're onto next week and the best thing we can do is come out and play hard next week too.