QUOTES: Penn State Offensive Student-Athletes - Iowa

Penn State Football
Offensive Student-Athlete Quotes
vs. Iowa – October, 27 2018  
Trace McSorley | QB | Gr./Sr.
Q: What did you see on the touchdown?
A: The offensive line did a great job. It was a great play call. We had schemed that one up from one of the things they've shown on film. We did a really good job in our preparation aspect on that play. The offensive line did a good job as far as getting their blocks and creating a hole so all I had to do was run straight. DeAndre [Thompkins] did an excellent job blocking down field.
Q: How much better did you feel after your touchdown run?
A: It felt good just to know that I could still go out and run and be good. That was the biggest question. Throwing wasn't an issue with it, it was just the running. Once I was able to go out and get comfortable running the ball and break that one off, I think that was a big thing for me, personally, to be able to go out and do that.
Tommy Stevens | QB | Sr./Jr.
Q: Tommy what's it like when you're in that situation, where you see Trace [McSorley] go out and you have to be mentally prepared to come in and you don't know if you're going to play until he either comes back or finish the game, can you tell us what that experience is like?
A: I'm going to try to put this in the best way possible: Obviously, I would never wish ill-will upon Trace [McSorley], he's one of my better friends at Penn State, but it is something you prepare for and I feel like I have been preparing for this moment since my redshirt freshman year. So here I am as a redshirt junior and you know it's something I just tried to prepare myself for. I wouldn't say I was surprised, I'm not sure how exactly to word it, but I was prepared for this.
Q: You had a couple of early snaps before that in the game. Did that maybe get you in the flow of the game maybe a little bit better than coming off the bench a little cold?
A: Yes, I think it definitely helps, you know just getting a feel for the game early and getting in there and being part of the game plan, it definitely helped.
Q: What was said in the huddle when it was 12-0 Iowa, and Coach [Franklin] called everybody over, you know what was said?
A: Just that we needed to get back to playing our ball. Obviously, there's no 12-point plays in football, so we were going to have to grind at each play and take it one play at a time. I'm really proud of our guys and the way we all fought today.
Miles Sanders | RB | Jr./Jr.
Q: Miles, you guys lost Trace [McSorley] there late in the first half. What's the thought process when you see him go to the sideline because he doesn't do that often?
A: It's pretty frustrating when one of our starting guys goes down like that, but that's the way the next man up mentality comes from. Tommy [Stevens] came in and just did his job.
Q: What'd you think about Tommy's performance?
A: It was excellent. When his number was called he executed and got the job done.
Q: What were the challenges of the conditions tonight?
A: It wasn't really a challenge. I mean we just had to execute more out there offensively including myself, especially myself, but that's it really. This game got executed, but we battled it out, defense played a pretty good game to keep us in the game.
Q: Did you doubt Trace would come in at all?
A: Oh no. Trace is the toughest quarterback in the nation to me, to come in on a brace and take one for [51] so that just shows how tough he is and that stuck right here.
Q: What's the level of comfort with Tommy then when he comes in? Obviously you guys have experienced him and watched it.
A: Just as comfortable as when Trace is in. It doesn't matter who's in there, I'm confident and comfortable. They make the same calls, the best calls for us so nothing really changes with him.
KJ Hamler | WR | So./Fr.
Q: KJ, Trace [McSorley] went out, that's obviously something you haven't seen in your career. What were your thoughts when he goes to the sideline with the trainers?
A: It's honestly a scary sight you know, Trace is the leader of the offense, but he was able to fight through and push through and be there and be very tough. You know he's a tough guy, he's a soldier so we knew what was capable of. We knew he was going to come back, so we really weren't worried at all.
Q: What'd you think of Tommy coming in?
A: Tommy that's a gunslinger right there you know we have two crazy good quarterbacks so either one Tommy or Trace we're not really worried or anything like that. We know they can make plays and be making some offense.
Q: Coach Franklin called Tommy the ultimate teammate just now. What stands out to you about him being a teammate and the way he sort of persevered in a way the first time?
A: He played well you know. He knows Trace is the starting quarterback, but when Tommy's in the game there's always something special going on. Tommy's a big playmaker. I love when Tommy's in just as I love when Trace is. He just always makes plays so we're not really worried when both of them come in.
Q: What was going through your head when Trace went down?
A: I was like man, get up you know, just get up. Just praying that he's fine, hoping he's healthy you know that's all. Luckily he was and he came back in the game and produced for us. 

Ryan Bates | OL | Sr./Jr.
Q: One of your teammates on the other side of the ball, Yetur Gross-Matos, he had a big game for you guys, I don't know if you go against him practice much, but how have you seen him evolve and how big was he in today's victory?
A: He was huge in today's victory. I go against him every day. Coach Franklin, in one of our team meetings, asked us "Who is your ultimate teammate?" and Gross-Matos is my ultimate teammate. When I go against him in practice, he gets me better. I can always count on him to give me a good look, a high motor, and good moves. He's a heck of a player.
Q: What more does Tommy Stevens bring as a quarterback and to the line?
A: He's very similar to Trace [McSorley], he's basically a bigger version. He can run the ball, he runs with his pads rolled over, and he can lower his shoulder and put a really big hurting on one of the defenders and I think he showed that today.
Q: You guys had a lot of ups and downs, a rough start, a lot of twists and turns to this game, you guys have a chance to put a nail in it and they go down and get themselves back in it. Tell me about the character of this team?
A: Our team is doing great so far. Iowa is a heck of an opponent. They are very big upfront. Their front seven is very strong, very big and they were a good opponent to face. Our defense played great today and I think that we are going to build from here.