POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Defense - Nov. 10

Penn State Football
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Wisconsin – November 10, 2018  
Robert Windsor | DT | Sr./Jr.
Q: What was that like for you playing that well against that team (Wisconsin)?
A: Obviously it was unique to me because being from Wisconsin, being 45 minutes from the university, I have friends on that team. So it made it more fun for me.
Q: Did Coach Franklin have you talk to the team after the game at all? And what did that mean to you to be called upon to do that?
A: Yes, he let me do the breakdown, and it just felt good. I'm from Wisconsin, so that is kind of why I got to break it down and let them know that I made the right decision to come here. This is our second time beating them now, once in the Big-Ten Championship and now.
Q:  For a defensive lineman, what's like being in that sort of game? Because you know that Wisconsin is all about physical football and to be in the middle of all of that, what's it like for you?
A: It was amazing. Them being known for their offensive linemen and us doing what we did to them. There is no better feeling.
Nick Scott | S | Gr./Sr.
Q: Nick, the run defense today was obviously really good, outside of a few giant good runs. What was different maybe in this game compared to other games? Or what did you guys do to fit the run better as the game went on?
A: I think this game particular guys did a really good job of doing their job. Defense is hard and easy at the same time. The offense and the offensive line are on scholarship too. I have always thought that our defensive line, our linebackers, and our safeties have always come with the right intentions. Sometimes it just so happens that you get out of your gap, like you saw today, and it creates explosive plays. For the most part, I think everybody was extremely gap sound. Our D-Line did a phenomenal job up front against a great offensive line and we were able to make sure that the run was not a huge factor in this game.
Q: How have you watched Micah Parsons grow up in-front of you at linebacker?
A: I think he is a lot more comfortable and he is playing a lot smarter. He is extremely talented, extremely fast and athletic and everything like that. It took him a little bit to rely on his intuition and his reads rather than just his legs. So now he is doing both, and we are reaping the benefits because he is a phenomenal athlete and he is just playing within the framework of the defense much better.
Q: What did it feel like to get the pick to end the game like that? And did what happened earlier in the game come to mind with Shareef (Miller)?
A: It feels great. I took like three steps and I was about to take off and put it in for six, but I said I can't. Being in that situation especially with Shareef, he had a little more time on the clock, so I don't think it was wrong for him to take that, but with us, with that pick, we have won the game. No reason to risk a fumble or anything like that so the smartest move was to get down and let our offense end it.
Amani Oruwariye | CB | Gr./Sr.
Q: We saw Shareef Miller wave him goodbye then you guys come right back on, essentially close it out twice. How much confidence did that give you guys?
A: We've been in this situation throughout the whole season multiple times. We knew how many times our name gets called we have to get the stop. It's as simple as that. We can't complain, we can't say anything, we have to get the stop and that's what we did.
Q: Robert Windsor being from Wisconsin having a big game today with two sacks, what is that emotion? I know coach Franklin was talking about how he was acting in the locker room.
A: He played passionate today. He knew that was against his home state team, so he has something to prove. He played with a chip on his shoulder and played his butt off so I'm happy for him.
Q: This obviously wasn't a mistake-free game for you guys, but was it the most fundamentally sound you've had in a while? Third downs both offense and defense you seemed to fair pretty well on.
A: I definitely would say you can argue this was one of our more complete games on both sides of the ball. Especially on defense, getting the three turnovers that we needed and stopping their running on a good run team. So yes, I would say that.

Shareef Miller | DE | Sr., Jr.
Q: Defensive line looked really rejuvenated today. What made you guys come out so strong and maintain that through the game?
A: We knew the challenge we had coming in with Wisconsin. They have a great offensive line. A lot of their guys are All-Americans, so we were up to the test today
Q: What was the adjustment on Taylor? Obviously, he gashed you for the long run, but then he didn't have that much of an impact.
A: [After] he made that long run we designed our gaps. We just settled down and made sure everybody was in their gaps.
Q: How much was it a point of pride for you to come out here and make a statement against the fourth ranked rushing defense in the country?
A: We wanted to make a big statement. They kept talking about their offensive line. We kept hearing offensive line this and that. We understood that they were a great offensive line, and we were ready for the test.
Q: What was the statement you made today?
A: We pressured the quarterback, we sacked him a lot today. That was something we wanted to do. Also we wanted to stop the runs. They were making plays, and that long run by Taylor, we could have stopped.