POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Offense, Nov. 24

Penn State Football
 Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference: Offense
vs. Maryland – November 24, 2018  
Trace McSorley | QB | Gr./Sr.
Q: When you got to the end zone after your victory lap and you knelt down, what were you thinking about?
A: I was being appreciative of everything I have been able to experience and about the opportunities that I had. That was a me thing and giving me the chance to be thankful.
Q: Can you describe your emotions running out of the tunnel embracing Coach and then seeing your mom and dad?
A: There were a lot of emotions. I was just trying to take everything in honestly and trying to remember little details so I can draw back on that memory. I was not too emotional until I saw my mom had tears in her eyes and that is when I got a little emotional. Every time you see your mom emotional I think it hits a little harder. Overall it was an awesome day.
Q: What were you thinking about during that last walk around the stadium and taking a knee in the end zone?
A: It was something that Koa Farmer texted us about taking a lap around the field. It was something that his dad did when he was in college and it was awesome for him and he suggested that we do it too. It was for us and something to be able to reminisce on and everything we have been through. Taking all the memories in and that first time we were in the stadium. Going back to camp our freshman year in the stadium to our actual first game there. Looking back on everything that we have done and doing it with all the guys we came in with. The group of guys we fought hard every single day and worked our butts off to bring this program back and bring it to a spot that can be competing for top championships. It was about appreciation and being able to thank the fans as we went around. When I took a knee it was about being thankful to God and all of the opportunities he has given me.
DeAndre Thompkins | WR | Gr./Sr.
Q: Can you take us into the emotion of that last walk for the seniors?
A: Just to take a quick walk around Beaver Stadium, just to bask in what we've done here, what it means to us, what the stadium means to a lot of other people. What our goals before we came and when we were coming in and to fulfil those goals and reach the things we did. To walk around that lap one last time, to basically in soak in what we've put out on the line for Beaver Stadium
Q: Coach Franklin mentioned that (Trace) McSorley is the picture of consistency. Over the time you've spent with him as a teammate and a friend, how have you seen that consistency on and off the field?
A. Just his approach to everything. He says the same thing every day, he makes sure he says the same thing every day. He makes sure he doesn't do too much, he does exactly what he needs to do every day and he just lets everyone know that they're going to get what they get from him each and every day. Whether it's practice, raining, snowing, cold, hot, he comes in with the same approach every time.
Q: How important is it to get this win before you guys get into bowl prep?
It's always good to get a win, whether it's bowl prep or game one, it's always good to go into the next opponent with a win on your back. It lets you have confidence going forth.  

Miles Sanders | RB | Jr./Jr.
Q: I want to ask you about Ricky Slade. We got our first long look at him since the Illinois game, how do you think he handled the reps?
A: [I think he handled the reps] real good. All we do, we like to praise to just be yourself in there, don't try and do too much, don't try and do too little, just go out there and play the way you've been playing your whole life. We knew that we were going to come in and rotate a lot, that's what I wanted, and that's what everybody else wanted. I feel like us rotating like that and getting different looks in the backfield was really good. It started with the O-Line; our offensive line played a really good game today.
Q: As a team, how do you assess the season? Is it a success, do you feel like you came up short?
A: I think any season is a success when you've got more wins on the left side than losses on the right side. I think it was a success with us being so young. I think we grew up a lot. I think we put ourselves in a good position to get into a good bowl game. We're going to do good in the bowl game and have confidence and momentum coming in next year.
Q: What is the beating, what is the pounding after a 12-game season like this?
A: It is totally different than high school. I understand how Saquon [Barkley] feels. Every week he was sore in the weight room because we lift the next day, tomorrow. He was just sore, I understand now. It's a lot of beatings, but you have to take care of your body.
Connor McGovern | OL | Jr./Jr.
Q: What was working for you guys on the ground game today? You really seemed to dominate the line of scrimmage
A: All week Coach Limegrover made a point that we wouldn't be able to run the ball at will and to come out and dominate out front. We took that to heart and really showed that today.
Q: How much easier does it make it when you have guys like Trace (McSorley), like Tommy (Stevens), like Miles (Sanders) in the backfield that can make some big plays?
A: It definitely makes it a lot easier because you know every time you hold a block for an extra second or two they're electric enough that they can make any small play a big play any time.
Q: What did you do to help Mike Miranda get ready to play right guard since you kind of occupied that spot? Did you give him any advice or did he seek any counsel from you?
A: Mike's a great player. All year he's been working right, left guard, so as soon we got the news we switched right in and he did not skip a beat at all.
Q: What's it been like to block for Trace over the course of the past few years?
A: It's been a lot of fun. He's very exciting to watch. Any time he can turn a little play into a big play, just throw it down the field or take off any second.

KJ Hamler | WR | So./Fr.
Q: How quickly did your freshman season go by?
A: To be honest it flew by. I did not think it was going to be this quick. It (the end) is here now and I knew it would come one day. I still have a few years left in me here. We have a long ride and I am going to be here for a while and progressing better each week and year as we go on. I am excited for what comes up next.
Q: What does Trace McSorley mean to you?
A: It is a lot. He is the quarterback. He is the captain of this team and a big part of our puzzle. Losing a piece of that puzzle is going to be hard and it will be hard to lose Trace. He might go down as one of the greatest quarterbacks to play here at Penn State. It is his time to go. We will be fine without him but we will miss him for sure.
Q: What has it been like to play with Trace McSorley?
A: It has been crazy. He has taught me a lot from my first year to now. He has taught me a lot about running my routes, how he is going to throw the ball and different things like that. I hang out with him off the field a lot too and we have a bond.