POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Head Coach Patrick Chambers - Michigan

Penn State Men's Basketball
Head Coach Patrick Chambers Postgame Press Conference
vs. Michigan – February 12, 2019  
Opening Statement:
[I'm] really, really proud of my team. I know I've said that a lot, but their approach, how they keep wanting to get better every day, and how they've blocked out all the noise. They showed up. I told you guys that. They kept showing up: practice, film sessions, shoot arounds, extra work. It's a special group. I don't think our record, and I've said this too, is a reflection of how hard this team has worked, how they've competed and really put themselves out there. We're going to continue to do this because it's going to be short lived. I mean give Michigan credit. Great team, top-10 team, fought back like we knew they would and we were able to punch back which was great to see. That Myles Dread three was huge. We'll get up tomorrow, we'll get back to work, we'll be happy tonight, but we have Purdue on the horizon.
Q: Number one the effort on defense and number two the 1-2-2-3 quarter, we've seen that but not for an entire game. Was there a reason you decided to unleash that for an entire game tonight?
A: I just felt like we've been playing it really well and I think it suits Josh Reaves and it really plays into what he's good at and if we want the most out of Josh Reaves, I think we're going to have to play it. Usually, I pick and choose my times when I want to play it and Michigan runs so many good sets, so many good cuts, so many good shooters. I just didn't want them to have 24,25,26 seconds to be able to pick us apart and that's why I felt the three-quarter court press was what we needed
Q: Being able to regroup after you have a ton of turnovers, but to regroup this time and be able to right the ship, what did that mean to you and this team as it moves forward?
A: Growth. I've been telling you guys and I watch film, when we had a little time I watched film, and you can see how we're getting better. I think the regulars can see it too. From three months ago, we're a different team today than we were from then. For them to really break through and make plays and get stops and make big shots. Lamar's [Stevens] contributions. Even though Jamari [Wheeler] isn't going to have 27 points, the way he impacts a game right now is fantastic and Myles Dread really showed up. I thought Mike Watkins' minutes were critical. A tip in, fade away, and a couple monster rebounds was just fantastic. Everybody contributed and that's why I think you're able to push through and keep the lead.
Q: How do you feel like Lamar [Stevens] has maybe evolved this season and particularly the defensive effort he gave tonight, what do you feel like that gives?
A: I think he's maturing. I think you can see that in him. There's maturity, there's growth. Early on, he was down on himself too, but now I think he's broken through that and understands what a leader is, what it means to lead. Leadership never takes a day off. He gets that now. If his body language goes bad then the freshmen are going to look at him like "woah", but it didn't. He was having great little huddles at the free throw line, before I'd go in they were having great huddles. Jamari [Wheeler] is taking the board. I thought those guys really stepped up and took ownership of the team at the most critical points.
Q: You just touched upon Lamar's [Stevens] defensive contributions. Specifically, those blocks he had late in the game there, what do you think that those did for you guys?
A: They prevented points and swung the momentum back to us. I thought what he did was better in the half court, like he did some good things in the half court. You're going to see the monster blocks and all that stuff. I'm going to look at it the way he was doing what he was supposed to do. He's keeping guys in front of him, playing good team defense. We talk about toughness, we talk about talking, we talk about teamwork. I think Lamar [Stevens] led us in that tonight.
Q: About three minutes to go, you had a hug with Jamari [Wheler] going into a timeout and you guys talked for what seemed like a long time. What is that conversation like, especially because I thought he played pretty well tonight. What is that conversation that late in the game?
A: He turned it over. I didn't want him to compound the problem, I didn't want him to dwell on it. I'm moving on, you have to move on, keep making great plays, keep being the little engine that could for us out here. Keep leading and now we're winning. Three-minute situation. Now we're in our three-minute offense, just make good decisions and make sure we're smart on the other end because that's where we're going to win the game.
Q: For those of us that have been around for a while, I don't think this game is necessary a surprise. It just sort of has happened with you guys before. Why do you think you've been able to get everyone on the same page for a night like this and be able to win your fair share of them?
A: It comes down to the players and the staff. I think they've done a really good job of keeping everybody together. Lamar [Stevens], John [Harrar], Josh [Reaves], Jamari [Wheeler], our leadership council, we've added Rasir [Bolton] to that. I think those guys have done a great job. We've created a true squad. Those three guys have done a great job. It really starts with those guys because if they don't come in with the right approach and they don't come in with a great attitude, you're not able to compete at Ohio State or Northwestern or against Purdue here and win a game like tonight.
Q: You played for a large majority of the first half in a smaller line up. I think Mike [Watkins] and John [Harrar] both combined for about 11 minutes in the first half. Coach Beilein was just here talking about that and the matchup problems it created for them. Did you know going into the game that was something you'd be able to exploit or was that something that is just a product of [Ignas] Brazdeikis being in foul trouble and being able to take advantage of [Jon] Teske with Lamar [Stevens]?
A: I actually went to Lamar [Stevens] a couple weeks ago and talked to him about playing the five and what he thought because he had to buy into it first because if he didn't want to do that then we couldn't go to it, but he did. He wanted to play in that small lineup. With that type of leadership, alright let's do it. I felt like that was our mismatch. I felt like we could try to go at [Jon] Teske and put them on their heels a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I think Teske and [Zavier] Simpson are one of the best duos as far as defense in the Big Ten. I mean Teske last year walled up on every play. He's really good and he moves really well for a big man.  Simpson's equally as good, but I just felt like the small lineup would give us some speed and some mismatchups.
Q: Can you talk more about what you saw from Mike Watkins today, specifically from hustle plays?
A: He gave us extra effort. Not just one effort, he gave us two. Not just two, he gave us three. He made some big time plays for us and he was engaged. That's a good day. That's a good day.
Q: Is there any way you are going to bottle that for the season?
A: We're going to figure it out.
Q: How have you seen Lamar Stevens progress from this year on the defensive end?
A: I just think it's a one, two. I think Lamar understands now that he has to play with [John] Harrar on fire. It's a one, two. I want to get stops and not conserving energy. He knows he's going to play 38, he's a thoroughbred. He's in great shape. It's really just a one, two and he's doing a great job. He did a great job against Northwestern, Ohio State and now tonight. They got to keep that going.
Q: What does it mean to have guys on this roster that care this much about the game despite not having the record you guys want?
A:  Like I've said before, we're athletes. We're in the world of sports and you can't look at your record. You can't look back, you have to keep looking forward. You've got to keep getting better and if you're in this world, you've got to love competition. If you don't love to compete then you shouldn't be playing sports. But right now, this is what it is. This is the Big Ten. It is without question the best league in the country. Every night it's an absolute battle and we love it. We love it. That's what it's going to be.
Q: You guys were able to maintain your lead coming out of the second half which has slipped away from you guys in previous games. What does this game say about the belief of your team?
A: I never thought they lost their belief. I always felt like they were shook a little bit, rattled a little bit. But how they're showing up, their connectivity and the cultural that we've created, I didn't really see any bad body language or facial expressions, I just saw guys eager to correct it. When you have that, good things are bound to happen. We earned our luck tonight. The ball bounced our way. Shots went in. You look at Ken Pom, they went 348 out of 351 in luck. That's going to change because we are going to create our own luck.
Q: How have you seen Jamari Wheeler's defensive efforts improve and impact the game?
A: I think what he's done is really leadership. To help Lamar lead and then he's going out and playing as hard as he can. So other guys are going to look at him and say, well if Jamari and Lamar are doing it, we have to do it. There is no excuse now for us not to play hard and he's playing incredibly well. He's taking care of the basketball, making good decisions, he's not overdoing it and he's taking shots when he needs to. On the defensive end, man, he's really creating a havoc for opponents.
Q: What's your approach or intended approach, moving forward after this game?
A: Can I just enjoy this for a couple of hours? We show up. We get back up tomorrow. Say hey, great job but that's in the past, it's over. Let's continue the process of getting better. Let's keep creating our identity of defending and rebounding and playing Penn State basketball. Let's keep getting better. So that's where we are going to head tomorrow, Thursday and Friday and headed into Purdue.
Q: When did you hear about Coach Beilein's ejection and did you let that effect the game?
A:  I didn't know anything about it until a staff member told me but I didn't dwell on it. I just moved on.
Q: How do think Jamari's [Wheeler] defensive efforts affected the game especially against Jordan Poole, who he was guarding the majority of the game?
A: We switched a little bit too, so I can't give Jamari all the credit, I got to give it to guys on the floor. A lot of credit for being there on the catch and really speeding him up and making him uncomfortable. He's one of the best scorers, or shooters, in this league hands down.  I watch a lot of film on him and what he's doing for that team is pretty amazing. Jamari did a great job of speeding him up, Lamar [Stevens] had him, Josh [Reaves] had him, Rasir [Bolton} had him. So everyone had a turn trying to wear him down and take him out of rhythm.