POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athlete Rasir Bolton

Penn State Men's Basketball
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Nebraska – Feb. 19, 2019  
Rasir Bolton | G | Fr.
Q: Rasir you had a pretty efficient performance tonight and Coach Chambers has talked throughout the year about you taking better shots and getting in the lane more. How do you feel your offense has progressed throughout the season?
A: Just growing as a player, watching more film and seeing how teams are playing me. When you first come in as a freshman you just do what you know, do what you did in high school and hope it works, really. You don't really go through scouts or coaches scouting you, everybody looking and knowing your tendencies, they know what you like to do. Just learning that, looking at how teams are guarding me and breaking down my film and exploiting spots that I see.
Q: Do you feel like you're getting more comfortable with what you can do and your role in the offense?
A: No doubt. Just working on my game every day and having my teammates believe in me. Just keep going and keep playing Ra. You miss a couple shots just shoot again. Just trying to stay focused and win.
Q: Rasir we usually think about Jamari [Wheeler] as a defensive-minded player but lately he's been really efficient offensively as well. How do you feel that you fit next to him and how do you see him grow more comfortable on offense?
A: We fit great, he's like a brother to me. He's fast, I'm fast and whoever gets it we push it and then he drives out a lane and I'm either in the corner for a kick out or I'm cutting with him. I'll drive, everyone is guarded, and I'll see fire right down the middle of the lane so I drop it off and he gets a layup. We just play off each other, really bonding. The team is really coming together as a team and brothers. We are just learning each other's games.
Q: You guys have had a lot of grueling games this season, especially in the Big Ten this season, how nice was it to have a game where you guys were in control the entire time?
A: It feels weird. But it felt good just to get a win, it felt pretty good.
Q: Rasir earlier in the season you were in-and-out of the starting lineup but lately it seems like you have settled into that sixth man role and the minutes are still a little over 30. What do those first couple minutes on the bench do for you?
A: It gives me time to rest from warm ups and then just study the game. See what they're doing, see what offenses they're going with, see what their best player is doing. See who has the hot hand, like if I go in someone might have six points in the first four minutes, just knowing where he is at at all times. Just seeing what we're doing on offense, like Myles [Dread] hit a couple threes, trying to find him. If Lamar [Stevens] has four points and two rebounds you have to go to him just to keep him going. Just that, just trying to see what I can do to impact the game when I get in.
Q: What do you think about the pink and black uniforms, you guys are 3-0 this season in them?
A: I feel like we look pretty good in them don't we? I like them.
Q: Rasir we've seen more line ups recently of you, Myles [Dread] and Jamari [Wheeler] going small. What does that do for the offense to open it up a little bit more?
A: Fast. It's a lot of speed, couple shooters. Jamari is just like a bullet down the middle of the court so we just trying to play fast. Lamar is rebounding, we're all trying to rebound as a team so it works. We just have to guard post players and just, run.