POSTGAME QUOTES: Blue-White Game, Offense

Dan Chisena | WR | 5th/Sr.
Q: What was it like for you getting put on scholarship today? Did you have any idea it was coming?
Chisena: It was surreal. I do not even know how to put it into words because it does not feel real. It is just a testament to God's perfect timing and I am very blessed to be in that position right now. No, I had no idea and it was very special.
Q: Why did you leave your track scholarship to come back and play football?
Chisena: Since I left, I just really missed football. It had nothing to do with track because I really loved my time over there. I loved running track and competing with those guys and I miss them. There was just a pull in me to go back and give football another try. I am very appreciative that Coach [James] Franklin let me come back and join the team and it has been an incredible experience and I am very thankful.
Sean Clifford | QB | Jr./So.
Q: How would you assess the offense coming out of spring camp?
Clifford: I think it was a great spring for the whole team, honestly. A lot of reps were taken. Offensively, we took a lot of strides forward with a lot of young guys, which is awesome. That's always one of the keys of spring. Defensively, we look really good. I think today showed a lot of talent that we have on this team, so I'm really excited about it.

Q: How do you respond when you've got a lot of quality defensive ends coming at you all spring and all game today?
Clifford: I mean, you're going against guys like Yetur Gross-Matos and Shaka Toney and Jayson Oweh—you can just go down the line of all those guys. They're pass rushers, too, so when it's third down, I know that they're coming. It's tough, but it gets better with practice.
Q: What did you find out and learn about your team today?

Clifford: We're just a tough team. We know what we have to get better at, and, we just talked about this in the locker room, we're ready to take that next step. I think a lot of guys are excited because we know what type of talent we have. We know we're a top-tier team.
Jahan Dotson | WR | So./So.
Q: When you get a new position coach, do you have to start from scratch with your techniques or can you build off the techniques you already have?
Dotson: It's kind of both, because you are learning some new things, but other things you just advance on. It's cool to learn new things from different coaches throughout your career and take in new things from each of them.

Q: Are there any challenges to unlearning habits that you may have had previously with a different coach?
Dotson: There are definitely some challenges with that, and there are definitely challenges to getting to know a coach. Relationships don't come with just the snap of a finger. It's fun to build those relationships with coaches, but sometimes it's challenging, as well.

Q: Keaton Ellis is a true freshman and you were kind of in his position last year. What's it like going against him in practice and what does he bring to the table?
Dotson: He's a very good freshman and he's going to have a great year. It's fun to compete with the best like him. It's cool to see him grow throughout the spring and it's fun to practice with him every day.
Pat Freiermuth | TE | So./So.
Q: Who are the top three leaders of this group?
Freiermuth: Cam Brown has done a great job and, obviously, Blake Gillikin because he is the special teams' captain. There are a lot of guys really. I think we all step into that leadership role because we are a young team. I think you need to find different leaders in different positions and step into it.
Q: How do you lead when you are young?
Freiermuth: Personally, I lead by example. I am not a very vocal guy in the locker room because I just do what I need to do. That is why I came in here and I think that is why we are so successful. I lead by example and when I speak, my teammates really listen to me because I do not speak a lot. So, when I do speak, they can tell I am fired up about something.
Q: How difficult is it to come in and enroll in the spring and have a good spring game with what you have to learn?
Freiermuth: It is definitely tough. I applaud all of the early enrollees. I think everyone came in today with a really good mentality and played really well. They came in ready to work and I never doubted any of them on the field. They all gave it their best and they know the playbook. They put in the extra work and know the plays. They all did really well.
Will Fries | OL | Sr./Jr.
Q: Coach Franklin said that he thought you guys would run the ball a little better today and gave a lot of credit to the white defense. Did you guys think so?
Fries: I think there is definitely room for improvement. It was not to our standard and I think that there are definitely things we need to improve on. It definitely was not what we wanted but there were things that we did well and things that we can build off of.
Q: What does Rasheed Walker need to do now that we have seen more of him on the left side? What have you seen him progress in and what could he do to improve?
Fries: I think that through fifteen practices, he progressed a lot. In regard to his maturity and his understanding of what he needs to accomplish. I think the attitude of our offensive line has really improved. There are a lot of young players that can just come at you faster. His understanding and what we need to accomplish on offense can improve more.
Q: At what point have you felt comfortable on the right side of the ball? Do you have a preference to either the left or the right side?
Fries: It is whatever I am asked to do and not a comfort thing. I am doing what is best for the team. I would say it is an equal preference to both. It is not really a big deal to me and I feel good playing on either side.
Ricky Slade | RB | So./So.
Q: With Miles [Sanders] leaving, you're in position to make a pretty significant jump. Do you feel like you are ready to shoulder that load if you're indeed the number one guy? Is there any extra pressure put on you?
Slade: Oh yes, I'm definitely ready [to shoulder the load], but no I don't feel any more pressure from Miles leaving. We're all happy for him to get the opportunity to play at the next level but I don't think him leaving put any more pressure on my shoulders or anything like that.
Q: In terms of leadership, do you find yourself suddenly having to be a leader in the room?
Slade: For me, I think I'm naturally a leader just by doing what I do on the field. I feel like I'm becoming more of a vocal leader now. With Miles leaving, it was my turn to step up to the plate and be more of that vocal leader. 
Q: What's the dynamic like between the three scholarship players in the backfield now with yourself, Journey [Brown] and Noah [Cain]? What do you see yourself as in this group?
Slade: It's different. We have a whole lot of different skills back there, Journey with his speed and Noah with his power. It's interesting but a good dynamic to have. I see myself as a little bit of both, I guess. I'd say I see myself as equal parts speed, power and quickness.