
Seniors Reflect Ahead of Regular Season Finale

The top-ranked Nittany Lions have already clinched the top seed in the Big Ten Tournament, and will conclude their regular season by honoring their seniors this weekend against Rutgers.
That list includes attacker Matt Donnelly (Sewell, N.J.) and midfielders Nick Spillane (Franklin Square, N.Y.), and Robby Black (Lutherville, MD).
Defensively, the graduating seniors are Chris Sabia (Harleysville, Pa.), Mike Aronow (Holbrook, N.Y.), Kevin Fox (Annapolis, MD) and Dean Lamela (Brick, N.J.), as well as goaltender Trevor Scollins (Marshfield, Mass.).
"I would say they're a very selfless group," head coach Jeff Tambroni said. "If you look at the roles they've assumed, some guys have significant roles on game day — they're captains and dynamic leaders.
"And while others haven't stepped on the field as much, they've mentored the younger guys and embraced their roles within the senior class and on the team."
For Spillane, it feels like time has flashed before his eyes.
"It's a surreal feeling," Spillane said. "The last regular season home game, senior day, it all comes full circle. We spend a lot of time doing certain things with our teammates. Once you get to this point in the year, you realize you don't have too many of those days left and I try not to take anything for granted."
Spillane is also grateful to attend a university that utilizes the alumni, who are willing to help students both as undergraduates and recent graduates.
"With Penn State, alumni are everywhere," Spillane said. "It isn't something that everyone experiences at other schools. My mentor is someone who's helped me as someone who has been in my shoes.
"What I'm looking to do after graduation is a bit different than what he does, but he's helped me understand life as a postgrad and it's a pretty invaluable relationship I've built."
With the Teammates for Life program that Penn State lacrosse has developed under Tambroni, each player is paired with an alumnus of the university who can provide career and life advice to the player.
Many of those same alumni will be at Panzer Stadium for Saturday's game, something Black wants to make sure the team acknowledges with their play on the field.
"For me, I think of all the guys that it has taken for us to be where we are now," Black said. "With the success we've had, there are so many players, coaches, administrators who have contributed to this program, and Saturday being alumni weekend is a great chance to honor both our alumni and seniors."
Tambroni emphasizes a growth mindset both off the field with resources like Penn State's alumni network, and on the field even considering how strong the team has looked in recent weeks.
"In my four years, something that's special is guys going out of their way to make everyone feel part of the team," Spillane said. "Being a senior, you try to welcome everybody with open arms.
"As a senior, you think back to trying to come in as a freshman and seniors who helped show me the way. Guys are happy to come in every day and everyone has their personalities."
Each senior has memories that stood out to them when they look back on their Penn State careers.
"I think the best moments are the bus rides or the workouts we battle through," Sabia said. "Not only everyone in my grade, but just the team bonding."
"Spending time with teammates and all the funny stories," Spillane said. "The off-field stuff is what I'll also remember, building relationships with the guys and taking it week-to-week. I think the time spent with my teammates is what I'll remember the most."
"It's been a roller coaster, but I wouldn't change it for anything," Fox said. "Just being consistent and staying with it, we have a great senior class and group of guys all-around. Definitely one of my favorite teams I've ever played for."
While each had their own memories they'll take away, each player emphasized the "unfinished business" mentality that has defined this year's squad.
"I don't have much time left here, but we're expecting a long run in May," Black said. "You just try to cherish every moment of it."
While there will be plenty of distractions off the field for the Nittany Lions with the accompanying festivities, Tambroni's team is ultimately most concerned with the on-field performance on Saturday.
"Every time I bring up the past, our guys are quick to say that it's a different team this year," Tambroni said. "I think they're very respectful of everything before them, and they've learned a lot from the past.
"Rutgers is a very good team, they're going to play with great urgency, and the biggest thing we've asked players is just to be present with all the distractions going on with final exams and senior day."
"Just about all of the leaders on this team have been in big games with expectations," Sabia said. "We've all had experiences like that where we've grown from it. We're not going to do anything too different."