
Adventures Abroad: A Penn State Women's Hockey Q+A

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – A group of Penn State women's hockey student-athletes took advantage of one of the university's many educational opportunities when they chose to study abroad in Europe. Senior Abby Welch and juniors Sophie Slattery, Chantal Burke, Katie Rankin, and Shea Nelson all headed across the Atlantic for the Hospitality Management Studies in Europe summer program featuring stops in Amsterdam, Paris, and Rome among other places.
Penn State athletics caught up with Welch, a rehabilitation and human services major with a minor in elementary education, and Slattery, a public relations major, to find out what experiences stood out to them and what they took away from this special experience offered by Penn State:
PSU Athletics: What study-abroad program were you associated with on this trip?
SS: We were associated with the Hospitality Management program at Penn State. Going in, I didn't know much about the program because I had never been associated with it in the past, but I was delighted to realize how interesting and fulfilling this field was to learn about, and how passionate and involved the professors were. Without them, our trip would not have been the same.
PSU: What appealed to you most about studying abroad?
AW: The first thing for me was the experience that I wanted to have. To have the chance to visit somewhere exotic while continuing my Penn State education was an opportunity not many people get to have.  I also wanted to learn and understand different peoples' cultures. I have heard so many good things about studying abroad from teammates, so I wanted to take a crack at it myself, and let me tell you, it was the best experience and decision of my entire life!
SS: I think what had me the most excited about studying abroad was the chance to experience new places and new cultures in a unique learning environment instead of simply taking a vacation. Europe is different than the US in so many ways, and it was such an incredible opportunity to get to be there as a student of the culture. In addition to the amazing classes we were fortunate enough to take, we also got to use life there as an education.
PSU: Which countries and cities did you travel to? Which landmarks did you get to see?
SS: This study abroad program took us all over the map. We started in the Netherlands, where base camp and daily classes resided in a small, historical town called Maastricht. On weekend number one, we headed off the Amsterdam, experiencing our first real explosion of big city European food and culture. On weekend number two, we said "goodbye" to the Netherlands and took the bullet train to the iconic city of Paris, France. To say we squeezed every monument Paris had to offer into those two days would be an understatement- including, of course, the famous Macaroon shop Ladurée. After Paris, we packed up and moved base camp to the heart of the renaissance, Florence, Italy. Class was a mere block away from Michelangelo's David, and food tours were an important part of the curriculum. Weekend number three took us on an adventure we would never forget, as the train took us to the Italian coast of Cinque de Terre. Our time there consisted of freshly fished sea food, relaxing beach time, and a hike of the five Cinque de Terre towns with views you couldn't believe. After weekend three, it was back to Florence, and then off to Rome to end our trip. The Vatican, Colosseum, Roman forum (and pasta of course), filled our last weekend. And then it was back home to reality after the study abroad experience of a lifetime. 

PSU: What classes did you take? Did you have a favorite?
AW: We took a hospitality management course the first two weeks and an Italian cuisine course for the second two week. Honestly I loved both classes.They were both so different.  What made it so amazing was the "field trips" and being able to get out and learn the culture for yourself.  Something as simple as a scavenger hunt and asking people about their culture was something you could never teach in the classroom. For the Hospitality Management class it was so cool to see the different hotels and learn about how they operate as well as other interesting topics like eating etiquette.  For the Italian cuisine class I was able to learn about different cultural cuisine.  We also took classes on the best practices with cooking oils plus a pasta cooking course. We learned from some of the best chefs at the school.
PSU: What was it like having several of your teammates with you?
AW: It was the most amazing experience. I would tell anyone and everyone to study with your teammates. You will become closer than you ever thought you would be. So thankful I went with my teammates, we are family.
SS: The opportunity to study abroad with my teammates and best friends was something I'll forever be thankful for. We had an amazing experience, and in getting to navigate and discover new cultures together, we created a bond that will last a lifetime, and I'm sure will show up on the ice next year!

PSU: Do you have a favorite moment or experience from the trip?
AW: My favorite moment was in Cinque de Terre.  We went for a four-hour hike through four of the cities. It was amazing to see how different each area was and it was all so beautiful.
SS: Every second of the trip was surreal, but I think my favorite moment may have been seeing the Eiffel Tower lit up at night for the first time. It is something that you see all the time in movies and on TV. Getting to experience it in person was breathtaking. It was definitely one of those "pinch me" moments.
PSU: What was the best food you had on the trip?
SS: This is definitely the hardest question I have been asked! I don't think I ate a single meal that wasn't delicious. I do have one that stands out though; in Maastricht, there was a food truck festival about 10 feet from where we were staying. The food was all incredible, but Abby and I discovered a Dutch staple that we absolutely loved. Fries with chili mayo (don't knock it 'till you try it…in the Netherlands). It was so good, we went back the next day for more.
AW: I mean I LOVE pizza, so the pizza was obviously amazing. Another one of my favorite things was fries and chili mayo from the food truck festival in Maastricht. I also loved this truffle pasta dish I had in Florence. There were too many good foods to choose one as my favorite!


PSU: What would you say to someone who might be considering studying abroad?
AW: I would say 100% do it. It was the experience of a lifetime. I would do it all over again  This experience has honestly changed my life and I am so beyond grateful.
SS: Without a doubt go for it! It is one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I will cherish the memories and bonds I got to create with my teammates forever. Anyone who has the opportunity should snatch it up, because they will be forever thankful that they did.