POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Defense, Sept. 14

Penn State Football
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference: Defense
vs. Pittsburgh– September 14, 2019

Jan Johnson | LB | Gr./Sr.

Q: Take us through those end of game plays. What was the message for the team before that?

A: We had a chance to meet on the sideline right there and were talking about that we're not going to let them score. We're going to do everything we can to prevent a touchdown. We got after the quarterback and made him uncomfortable and he was unable to throw the ball well. Big run stop by Garret Taylor and Jesse Luketa. Overall, we accomplished what we wanted to do there.

Q: What did guys do to make the quarterback more uncomfortable?

A: We didn't think we were getting a good enough pass rush in the first half. I think it was pretty obvious people were sitting back there comfortably having time to look down field and throw the ball. We got to half time, made some adjustments and worked with our defensive line and our linebackers because we have to get after this guy. We're not giving our defensive backs any relief on coverage. We focused on trying to get after the quarterback in the second half and we did just that.

Q: Jan, the fumble that you forced. Did you think that you guys had that?

A: Yeah. I think we did have it. I think I recovered it, but I don't make the call, unfortunately. If I could make the call, we would've had it.

Q: Can you go back to the sack that you had? You were going off the field, Donovan Johnson was coming in and you got chased back in.

A: We were changing base on their personnel what they had in. I came free off the edge and was able to get a sack.

Garrett Taylor | S | Gr./Sr.

Q: What did you think of their decision to go for a field goal versus a touchdown?

A: I couldn't tell you. We were playing really stingy on the goal line and I think that might've been a really big factor. We had three big stops in a row, so that was huge for us. I messed up on a play, I busted an assignment and put them in good field position, but once we got down to the goal line, we stopped him.

Q: What happened on that play? Was it fourth and one?

A: The play I messed up on, that technically was my guy. Being fourth and short, I was expecting a run and I lost my eyes for a little bit. He did a good job bluffing and throwing up field, so I have to correct that.

Q: Garrett, Jan just said you had a conversation before your goal line. What do you remember of that conversation?

A: I couldn't really tell who was talking, to be honest, but something we pride ourselves on is our red zone defense. Especially being stingy on the goal line, we knew it was a huge moment in the game. It was 17-10 at that point and we knew we needed to stand up. Everyone did their job and we came out on top.

Micah Parsons | LB | So./So.

Q: Just talk about the plays you made. Cam Brown made some big plays. Can you tell us about that play on the one yard line?

A: I thought it was a really big momentum swinger. That touchdown or any points would've really changed the game and I feel like the guys on the field did a really great job standing up. That's something we preach every day in practice. Setting change and really making stops when our backs are against the wall will make us number one in our country like that.

Q: Why did you think it took a half to pressure on a consistent basis?

A: It was really just getting a feel out of it. We didn't know how it was going to be based off the film. It's all about situation, the down and distance, third and five, third and ten, you really want them to throw it underneath and play a lot of coverage. Once we realized he was making a lot of plays on his feet, we decided to add more pressure to him.

Q: Micah, what do you think of the pass rush the last couple of weeks? Some people may be disappointed fans about the numbers, but how would you look at it?

A: When you have the best defensive line in the country, you're going to get a lot of max protection. That's exactly what they were doing in the beginning. They were getting chipped, back ends staying in, so that's what happens when you're the best.

Q: Micah, are you surprised they kicked the field goal from the one, down seven with under five minutes to go?

A: Definitely. I think it's always a great opportunity to take a chance. You have nothing to lose if you don't get in on the one, we're backed up. It's just situational and different thoughts from different people.

Trent Gordon | CB | Sophomore

Q: Can you talk about the intensity of this game and did you feel like this game was a rivalry with some pushing, shoving, and that kind of stuff?

A: Obviously this was a rivalry, you know. We've been talking about it all week and knew it was going to be a tough game.We were preparing all week for it to be a tough game. Yeah, we had scuffles in the game but it was just kind of friendly, you know, as you saw after the game we were just kind of hugging each other, dapping each other up and what not.This was definitely a competitive game between us because we already saw what they were saying in the media. That doesn't really affect us because we are not going to do the same, and so we just came out here and just kind of played our game.

Cam Brown | LB | Sophomore

Q: The goal line stand, take us through that. First and goal at the one is a pretty difficult situation for a defense to be in.

A: I mean I can't even take you through it. It's just play by play honestly. We take our mindset play by play, we grit our teeth and couldn't let them score. We knew that as a defense and we went with the mantra it's on us.

Q: Can you feel the air being taken out of team when you stop them like that?

A: No, not a team like Pitt in a time like this, not in a game like this because they got heart. They really came out and fought to the end pretty much so we were on our toes the whole time.

Q: Coach talked about finishing this year, last year you guys had a couple games. Did you feel like this was the type of game you went out and finished?

A: I feel like we finally, as a defense, came together and got the stop that we needed, so I feel like going forward, as a defense, you guys are going to see it more often.