POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athlete Myreon Jones

Penn State Men's Basketball
Penn State Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. CCSU – December 20, 2019 Myreon Jones | G | So.

Q: MJ, when you look on paper and maybe watch the film and feel like you've got an athletic advantage against a team or something like that. How important do you feel like it is to go out and play like you know you can against a team like that?
A: Coach has been preaching all week about this is the most important game before break because this is when everyone relaxes and takes their foot off. I think just us coming in, knowing that this game is going to get us better going into Big Ten play is really big.

Q: This kinda builds on that a little bit, you know their winless obviously at this point. You know that coming into this game. I mean does that ever I guess enter the equation?
A: I feel like every college team has D1 athletes so anybody can get beat any day. so you have to come in with the same mindset.

Q: In what ways does Lamar show his leadership to you guys whether its in practice or in games. In what was is he most effective as a leader?
A: I think when we are struggling the most in the game. Like today, they got on a run and he just pulled us in and said, 'We got to calm down and stop this.' I think when we're struggling, that's when his leadership really shows.

Q: You shot lights out today, 8-12 from the field and four of eight from three and drilled your first three, threes of the game. What does that do for your confidence?
A: Its great for my confidence. It just shows what I've been working on. Really just worried about winning right now. I really don't care about stats.

Q: You feel good though? Because you've been playing pretty well the past couple games. Do you kind of get a sense when you are find a comfortability out there that allows you to play like that?
A: I really just think its my teammates making sure I'm in the right position. Coaches making sure I'm in the right position that I can get involved. As long as we're winning I'm fine.

Q: You get a little bit of a break here. You've got one more game obviously kind of divvying up this and starting Big Ten. How much is it needed for your legs?
A: Its important but I think just us staying focused and not just relaxing over break. Get to spend time with our families but at least just pick up a basketball, stay in shape because I know last year when we came back, thats when everything started when we weren't ready. I think its just important to relax and spend time with family.

Q: Can you lose that in a few days? The mojo?
A: Its just our mindset. I think you probably can but, I think that's our test right now is to not lose that.