POSTGAME QUOTES: Penn State Student-Athlete Myles Dread

Penn State Men's Basketball
Student-Athlete Postgame Press Conference
vs. Illinois – February 18, 2020
  Myles Dread | Guard | Sophomore
Q. You guys have been shooting really well from three over this winning streak. Could you put your finger on what wasn't going right tonight? Was it more their defense or things not being executed right or maybe a combination of the two?
A: We weren't necessarily executing to the level that we have been in the eight-game win streak and sometimes the ball just doesn't go in the basket. Sometimes you got the shots, the shots that we wanted, and sometimes we didn't; but either way the ball didn't go in the basket. So, we have to get back in the lab and get one percent better
Q. Can you speak to the importance of other guys being able to score when Lamar is being double and triple teamed because it seems like that would be an important thing?
A: Of course it is. People have been doubling Lamar all season and because our team is so deep, and because we have so many scoring options that teams have had to adjust the way they build to Lamar because of the way we can shoot the ball and score the ball.
Q. How important is it after a loss like this to just get back to what you guys have been doing? Obviously things have been working out great. Just to refocus and regroup as a unit?
A: This is definitely a reality check. I mean we were on cloud nine for eight straight games. So as good as it feels to win, it feels much worse to lose. So we don't want to get back and feel that feeling. If we do lose, we want to know that we played our best basketball. Tonight wasn't our best basketball. So, to avoid that feeling again, we need to get back in the gym, work hard, fight, fix everything that went wrong today and hopefully get back to that eight-game win streak team on Sunday.
Q. Myles you were tasked with guarding [Ayo Dosunmu] quite a bit tonight. What makes him such a difficult guard, especially when he's attacking the rim?
A: He's a great player. Great players make great plays.
Q. When shots aren't falling like they weren't tonight, what's something you guys can do as players to try and turn your game around in a game like tonight?
A: We prepare to win games when we're not making shots and tonight we didn't defend to the level we have been all year. They were in the paint a lot more than we would have liked them to be. Guys were shooting their shots and getting to their spots, and we try to avoid people shooting comfortable shots as much as possible.
Q. At the very end, were you expecting help. You looked like you were sloughing off to one side and he got into the lane. Were you expecting help there or did you know he was all yours?
A: [Ayo Dosunmu] was all mine. I made that mistake. Like I said, [Dosunmu] made a big time shot at the end of the game and I take blame.