
MBB John Harrar | Check-In

Nittany Lion John Harrar with Mitch Gerber
Mitch Gerber: John Harrar joins us from his home in Delco, Pa., and John, first off, I appreciate you joining us and taking the time today, but I want to start things out on more of a light-hearted note. What are you doing to continue to have fun because we all know that personality that you have and that smile that you bring to this team and the corps, but what are you doing to continue to have some fun?
John Harrar: I would just say going on walks with my mom and try to do our best to social distance ourselves. But really just getting around the neighborhood, see our neighbors playing in the front yard, try to take in the sunlight and try to wave "hi" to everyone we can just to get some of that interaction.
Gerber: Now are you speed walker a slow walker?
Harrar: I'm a slow walker. I have to keep up with my mom. She's going for time for sure.
Gerber: Take us through the past couple of weeks, obviously everybody knows the story that transpired with this program and the things that you guys accomplished and went through, but I want to know from somebody inside the ropes of everything that happened from the time you guys got to Indianapolis to where you are now, what are you doing to make sure that this team stays collective as one, and continues to move forward?
Harrar: Yeah, I think, I think it goes up to our leadership, starting with Coach Chambers. I think he is keeping everyone together. We're doing a FaceTime call every Friday around four or five to see, just to see each other smiles. Last time, Jamari and Seth, all of them, were just messing around with each other just how we do in the locker room, and it was just, it was really fun. We laughed for about 15 minutes, got to see everyone smile and, we hit each other up almost every day, just sending stuff, trying to keep the good vibes and everybody smiling.
Gerber: So you're somebody that was in that locker room, constantly lifting people's spirits up to be able to kind of turn the page towards that next thing even throughout the season when you guys went on a little bit of a skid to then be able to get ready for the Big 10 Tournament and beyond. What was your message to this team and your teammates after everything that transpired within that 48-hour stretch of being in Indianapolis to then suddenly, back in State College?
Harrar: My message was really just stick together. We wanted to thank all the seniors for all that they did and their sacrifices. We want to thank them for leading us, leading this program, changing the culture. And now for us, 10, nine guys, and everyone who is coming in, just really stick together. We're going have to come back, whenever we do in the summer, and get right back to work, so our relationships right now are more important than they ever have been.
Gerber: Those relationships like you just mentioned are more important than ever, but when you look back on this season and what you guys accomplished, what's your favorite memory or what are you going to take away that you're super prideful of, whether it's from a team standpoint or personal standpoint?
Harrar: I think it is how we responded to that three-game losing streak that we had. I always like comparing basketball to life. Life, man, you can get down in life just like we down in basketball. It's a roller coaster, you have your highs, you have your lows, just staying on that consistent path to get better every day in your life and every day on that court with my team. I love doing, that I love trying to improve. That eight-game win streak felt really good. I'll never forget that and try to look to carry that on to next season.
Gerber: I've got goosebumps from that. Nice job.
Gerber: You mentioned Coach Chambers, having those FaceTime calls set up for you guys, but what is his message then in those little FaceTime meetings, team meetings, phone calls, whatever you really want to call it, what has his message been to you guys to really stick together?
Harrar: Keep in contact with each other, we have a lot of love in the locker room, so it's not hard for us, to really just stay together and stay positive. That's all. It's really just continuing on building our relationships and staying healthy in this time, for sure.
Gerber: John Harrar, one of the unsung heroes with this 2019-2020 Penn State men's basketball team, and future potential speed walker in the Olympics, maybe? John, appreciate you joining us on the program.
Harrar: Thank you Mitch!