
Student-Athlete Check In: Madison Reese – Penn State Field Hockey

Student-Athlete Check In: Madison Reese – Penn State Field Hockey
 As the events of early March unfolded and changed all over the country, Penn State student-athletes found themselves facing uncertainty and transition in their academic and athletic realities.
The Penn State field hockey team, 2019 Big Ten Tournament finalists, were two months into the Spring semester when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted.  As the entire Penn State family works for ways to stay connected, we can check in with some members of head coach Char Morett-Curtiss' field hockey team to get some insight into how typical student-athletes reacted, adjusted and began the process of forging ahead in our current circumstance.
Today we check in with redshirt freshman Madison Reese.  Reese redshirted in 2018 and saw her first action with the Nittany Lions this past season.  Reese was a first team Academic All-Big Ten honoree this past year as well.
Madison took the time to answer some questions from GoPSUsports and offers some good insight into the daily life of a Nittany Lion during this time:
GoPSU: What was your first reaction when you heard that spring break had turned in to online learning?
Madison: "At first, I was overwhelmed when I heard that spring break turned in to online learning as I did not know how my classes would be handled or when I would be able to get some of my school supplies that I left in the dorm. Along with that, I felt sad as I realized that I would not get to see my teammates, who are my best friends, for a longer time than expected, or be able to play field hockey. We were supposed to be traveling to Virginia in mid-March, which I was very excited for."
GoPSU: How have you been adapting to online learning?
Madison: "It's a difficult transition but the professors are extremely flexible with working with each one of us in making sure that we are understanding the material and due dates of assignments as they know this is a difficult time. Before the virus became extremely serious, I had a daily routine at school with going to class, practice, and when I would do my homework. Now that everything is online, I had to write out everything I had to do last week to make sure I did not miss any deadlines to keep myself organized. This week has been an easier transition as I have figured out what time I need to complete each class."
GoPSU: Athletes are by nature focused on staying healthy, what have you been doing to keep fit, active and energized?
Madison: "I'm using an online fitness account, which has been very useful in keeping fit as we are not able to train as a team. With this, I am able to do core, bodyweight, meditation, yoga, bike or running workouts to keep myself busy and in shape. One benefit of being at home is I am able to cook food compared to when I lived in the dorms, which I think can contribute to staying healthy. Additionally, our parents are very strict with making sure we wash our hands and not to touch our faces to help prevent any chance of getting the virus. In terms of staying energized, I have two younger sisters (besides Meghan) that keep us busy with learning new TikTok dances or playing games in the basement – that, and also coffee!"
GoPSU: What has your family been doing together during this extended period of social distancing? Any family activities, etc.?
Madison: "As a family, we have watched many movies together, such as Frozen 2, and we plan on watching the new Star Wars movie. Our dad still has to work, and our mom is a teacher, so she is off right now! We have played board games, looking through baby pictures, making TikToks, and doing puzzles. It was nice to be able to celebrate my birthday at home and we will be home now to celebrate our younger sister's birthday. It is difficult as we cannot leave our house to go on adventures or anything, but we are all making the best of it."
GoPSU: What is the one thing you miss most right now about not being back at Penn State?
Madison: "The one thing I miss most right now about being back at Penn State would probably be my teammates. I miss being able to go to Pollock together for our family dinners, going to spring sport games to cheer on State, going to the Hub to do schoolwork together and get coffee, and practicing with them every day. They always brightened my day and made me laugh."
GoPSU: How have you been keeping in contact with your teammates?
Madison: "We have been having team get-togethers through Zoom, so we are able to stay in contact. Luckily, we are all on social media, which makes it easier to stay in contact with each other as we can see what everyone has been doing. I am looking forward to when we are all back together in person."