Mark Selders

Student-Athlete Check In: Brandon Meredith – Penn State Wrestling

Student-Athlete Check In: Brandon Meredith – Penn State Wrestling
      As the events of early March unfolded and changed all over the country, Penn State student-athletes found themselves facing uncertainty and transition in their academic and athletic realities.
      The Penn State wrestling team, winners of eight of  the last NCAA National Championships, were just days away from heading to Minnesota for the 2020 NCAA Championship when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted.  As the entire Penn State family works for ways to stay connected, we can check in with some of head coach Cael Sanderson's wrestling team to get some insight into how typical student-athletes reacted, adjusted and began the process of forging ahead in our current circumstance.
      Today we check in with redshirt freshman Brandon Meredith.  Meredith entered the season in a battle for the starting spot at 125.  He quickly grabbed the role and went on to notch 13 victories in his first season in the blue and white singlet.
      Brandon took the time to answer some questions from GoPSUsports and offers some good insight into the daily life of a Nittany Lion during this time:

GoPSU: What was your first reaction when you heard that spring break had turned in to online learning

Meredith: "At first, I wasn't surprised since that was the trend around the country, but I pictured the switch to online learning being a challenge. I figured it would be a challenge for me specifically, because it is hard to replace the face to face interaction with teachers and peers that goes on in the classroom which I find extremely valuable for learning."

GoPSU: How have you been adapting to online learning?

Meredith: "For me, I have had experience with online classes in the past, so the understanding of how they flow and work is there. However, creating that structure and routine while at home is one thing I have worked on, since it is tempting and easy to get distracted." 

GoPSU: Athletes are by nature focused on staying healthy, what have you been doing to keep fit, active and energized?

Meredith: "The biggest thing I have been doing is focusing on myself and making sure I am taking care of my body like fueling with the right foods and getting the right amount of sleep. With being home so often, it is easy to be lazy and sit on the couch all day, but focusing on getting outside even if that entails something as simple as a walk can be beneficial. From an athletic standpoint, I have some training equipment, so I am just utilizing what I have to the best of my ability."

GoPSU: What has your family been doing together during this extended period of social distancing? Any family activities, etc.?

Meredith: "Both of my parents work in fields that are deemed essential, so they still are working their regular jobs during the week, but it has been easier to still get quality time with them on the weekends and focusing on enjoying the little things like having dinner with them every night. It is not too often we get to spend this much time at home with our families due to training and school, so while everyone wants to return to school, I am grateful for all the time I get to spend with them during this period."

GoPSU: What is the one thing you miss most right now about not being back at Penn State?

Meredith: "I miss the interaction with the teammates and the coaches. The other weekend I went back to State College to get a couple items from my house and just coming back after an extended period away brings back the memories you form with teammates. Sometimes it is the smallest things, like having good laughs with roommates, that can make the biggest impression, so I think just the time spent with the team and close friends."

GoPSU: How have you been keeping in contact with your teammates?

Meredith: "I still talk to a few guys daily but our team chat has been active still, so it helps when you make a conscious effort to reach out to guys on the team and coaches since it is so easy to forget about communication with all the school work and circumstances surrounding this unprecedented time."

GoPSU: What other things have you done during this time away from Happy Valley?

Meredith: "Some of the things I have been doing is connecting with old friends at home. During our typical busy lives it is hard to stay in touch and have quality conversations with people from your hometown. A lot of my old teammates and friends from high school are at other colleges, so now that this time has brought most people back to their home, it is a good time to talk to them more often."