
Student-Athlete Check In: Lauren Delgado – Penn State Field Hockey

Student-Athlete Check In: Lauren Delgado – Penn State Field Hockey
      As the events of early March unfolded and changed all over the country, Penn State student-athletes found themselves facing uncertainty and transition in their academic and athletic realities.
      The Penn State field hockey team, 2019 Big Ten Tournament finalists, were two months into the Spring semester when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted.  As the entire Penn State family works for ways to stay connected, we can check in with some members of head coach Char Morett-Curtiss' field hockey team to get some insight into how typical student-athletes reacted, adjusted and began the process of forging ahead in our current circumstance.
      Today we check in with true freshman Lauren Delgado. Delgado redshirted for Penn State last season. She is preparing for her redshirt freshmen season in 2020!
      Lauren took the time to answer some questions from GoPSUsports and offers some good insight into the daily life of a Nittany Lion during this time:
GoPSU: What was your first reaction when you heard that spring break had turned in to online learning?
Lauren: "At the time I was not surprised when I first heard about the announcement with everything going on. In the moment I was happy to have a little extra time with my family, but also upset as I knew I would not be able to see my teammates and our spring season was ended before it even began."
GoPSU: How have you been adapting to online learning?
Lauren: "It was a struggle at first, but many of the professors were very understanding about the situation and were working with us to understand the material. Luckily, I had made many connections throughout the semester that have allowed for many online study sessions with friends. It was also different not having a structured schedule as I was used to during the semester. Luckily, I have been able to develop a daily schedule that helps me stay on top of everything going on." 
GoPSU: Athletes are by nature focused on staying healthy, what have you been doing to keep fit, active and energized?
Lauren: "I have been utilizing an online fitness system a lot throughout this time, as it has many different types of workouts that keep me active. I have also been able to keep my fitness up and stay on top of my field hockey to the best of my abilities during this time. Besides athletic workouts, I have been going on hikes in the woods with my family for a change in scenery.  Throughout this time at home, it has also given me the ability to cook my own meals and try new recipes. It also helps to have a younger brother around who always wants to be doing something like playing soccer, basketball, or practically anything."
GoPSU: What has your family been doing together during this extended period of social distancing? Any family activities, etc.?
Lauren:  "It has been difficult to do many activities together as I have been studying a lot and both my parents are still working since my mother works in health care and my father is able to work from home. At night and during the weekends when the whole family is home, we have been able to eat together as well as have more home cooked meals. We have also been watching different movies throughout this time, like Lethal Weapon, which was one of my dad's favorite movies as he was growing up. On the weekends we have time to take out our four wheelers and ride them in the wooded area behind our house and spend time outside together."
GoPSU: What is the one thing you miss most right now about not being back at Penn State?
Lauren: "The thing that I miss most is not being surrounded by teammates going through our tough workouts and then having practice every day."
GoPSU: How have you been keeping in contact with your teammates?
Lauren: "During this time, we have weekly zoom meetings that we are all able to see each other, but we also have many group chats that allow us to stay in touch with one another."

GoPSU: What other things have you done during  this time away from Happy Valley?

Lauren: "I live on a farm, so I have been able to help take care of the sheep that we have. During this time, I have been taking care of a lamb who needs to be bottle fed. I have become attached to the lamb and he is like a pet to me. He follows me around and can take him for walks around the yard, as well as run sprints around with him chasing me.  Most importantly I got to spend by birthday home with my family."