Craig Houtz

Student-Athlete Check In: Grace Wallis – Penn State Field Hockey

Student-Athlete Check In: Grace Wallis – Penn State Field Hockey
      As the events of early March unfolded and changed all over the country, Penn State student-athletes found themselves facing uncertainty and transition in their academic and athletic realities.
      The Penn State field hockey team, 2019 Big Ten Tournament finalists, were two months into the Spring semester when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted.  As the entire Penn State family works for ways to stay connected, we can check in with some members of head coach Char Morett-Curtiss' field hockey team to get some insight into how typical student-athletes reacted, adjusted and began the process of forging ahead in our current circumstance.
      Today we check in with Grace Wallis.  Wallis played in all 20 games for Penn State last season and ended the campaign with 10 points off three goals and four assists.
      Grace took the time to answer some questions from GoPSUsports and offers some good insight into the daily life of a Nittany Lion during this time:
GoPSU: What was your first reaction when you heard that spring break had turned in to online learning?
A: I was not too shocked when I found out because some of my professors had mentioned the possibility of us going to online learning after break. I was a little bit nervous about how they were going to do online learning, but it turned out fine.
GoPSU: How have you been adapting to online learning?
A: I adapted pretty well thanks to my professors. They were very flexible and did everything that they could to help us succeed during this time.
GoPSU: Do you have a new favorite food or pastime since you were last on campus?
A: I have been baking a lot recently so I think my favorite thing that I have made is chocolate chip cookies.
GoPSU: What has your family been doing together during this extended period of social distancing? Any family activities, etc.?
A:  Luckily, we have a big backyard so we have been playing wiffle ball, volleyball and basketball. I'm also very close with my extended family so we've been doing game nights with them over zoom.
GoPSU: What is the one thing you miss most right now about not being back at Penn State?
A: Just getting to play field hockey and hanging out with my teammates every single day.
GoPSU: How have you been keeping in contact with your teammates?
A: We have weekly zoom meetings with smaller groups and then we meet with the whole team every couple of weeks. I'm always texting or snap chatting with the girls anyway, so we are always in contact.
GoPSU: What other things have you done during this time away from Happy Valley?
A: I have a nice path near my house that I have been able to use. I have also been making some tik toks with my younger sister and watching shows and movies with my family.
GoPSU: What is the first thing unrelated to sports that you are going to do when you get back to campus?
A:  I can't wait to hang out with my teammates and go to the creamery!